this post was submitted on 16 Jul 2024
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A place to share pictures taken from above, that reveal interesting views, fascinating places or different angles to places.

I have made a short video describing how I take the pictures that I share, here

This is not a rule! You are welcome to share any aerial picture you feel is worth sharing. I just thought that maybe some of you may need a little help. It's really addictive once you get started!


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La Plata - Argentina

founded 4 months ago

I was randomly browsing Google Earth and had drifted into Hungary when I noticed that many plots there, are elongated. They have a short front towards a road, where a house or structure usually is located, but then extend a pretty long way behind that!

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[–] 1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

You see a lot of elongated lots in the UK here as well, and this only a guess but I suspect the reason is likely to do simply with the practicalities of property development and land sale.

If you own a plot of land and want to put houses on it, then obviously the way to get the most houses on it would be to divide it into square lots, and build new access roads as necessary so each house has road connection. This also means building out the associated utilities like electricity and water and telecom that run under the road. Doing this is really expensive, and you may not have the means. It may also be legally prohibited to build new road.

So you have this piece of land and for whatever reason you can't build road, what do you do? You subdivide along the existing road that's already there so everyone has access and just enough width for a house. And that's what this looks like.