This is the link to the full audiobook.
I thought of sharing one of my favorite chapters - and to be clear - there were plenty of those. Her way of writing, as well as what she is writing about, felt kind of soothing to me.
Maybe, starting from chapter 1 would be the best option because it's related to an origin myth. Still, due to the fact that it is divided by topic, I suppose it also works to go trough the titles and start with the one you like best that day for instance, or depending on its length etc.
From wiki:
American Indian Quarterly writes that Braiding Sweetgrass is a book about traditional ecological knowledge and environmental humanities. Kimmerer combines her training in Western scientific methods and her Native American knowledge about sustainable land stewardship to describe a more joyful and ecological way of using our land
Also, consider using FreeTube, an open-source program for YouTube, and/or Libredirect, because your pricacy is important.
Thanks for sharing, this has been in my reading list for a while. I’m usually more likely to listen than read nowadays because I can do chores and things while I listen.