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[-] LibertyLizard 5 points 41 minutes ago

Damn, this should be illegal. Normal foreclosures are bad enough but usually people at least know they are coming to some extent.

[-] LibertyLizard 2 points 6 hours ago

It is a wild species in almost every respect.

[-] LibertyLizard 11 points 8 hours ago

I mean the allusion to FDR seems pretty clearly connected to the idea of further future terms. Trump always phrases these things in a way so he has plausible deniability. But the subtext is obvious if you pay attention.

Cannonball tree (
submitted 8 hours ago* (last edited 8 hours ago) by LibertyLizard to c/treehuggers

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Couroupita guianensis, Penang botanical garden.

Make sure to check out the flowers too!

[-] LibertyLizard 18 points 8 hours ago

There are generally better things happening under democratic rule than republican rule. I get that it can feel small to those of us who want more radical change but there is a difference.

But I agree. Radical change is probably not happening from within the current system. Direct action and external pressure will be needed. But there is still a difference in how tolerant the two parties (and also between intra-party factions) will be of such a movement.

[-] LibertyLizard 16 points 12 hours ago

Trespassing outside of people’s immediate dwelling spaces shouldn’t be illegal at all. It’s just a tool for the wealthy to control the rest of us and where we can exist on our common planet.

[-] LibertyLizard 4 points 12 hours ago

You’re right, I forgot that the constitution is the basis of all moral reasoning and we can’t make any arguments that don’t stem from it.

[-] LibertyLizard 5 points 12 hours ago

What university campus has a closing time?

[-] LibertyLizard 33 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I’ve often wondered what the implications of the internet will be for future historians. On the one hand, there is now an enormous body of writings from not just the educated elite as in the past but from all sorts of ordinary people, which is something that has never really existed before.

On the other hand, how and for how long will these writings be retained? If we stop writing things on paper, will these digital writings become completely inaccessible at some point? Could we have a situation where there are almost no writings from a certain period down the road? That would be unfortunate.

[-] LibertyLizard 1 points 1 day ago

People who study botany know. They’re not hard to tell apart if you know what you’re doing.

submitted 2 days ago by LibertyLizard to c/

Picking mulberries by the dumpster—mostly above my head but the ones I could reach were tasty.

The flower petals are feijoa—I recently learned they are edible and delicious. They taste like marshmallows.

Hope y’all are having fun and staying safe out there!

[-] LibertyLizard 1 points 2 days ago

The moral panic around this topic is so extreme that it’s impossible to have a nuanced conversation so I’m not even going to try.

[-] LibertyLizard 17 points 2 days ago

Alternative caption: People on foraging subs when I tell them the plant they’ve fearfully warned could be poison hemlock is, in fact, a carrot.

[-] LibertyLizard 24 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

What service do they even provide at this point? Web hosting? Formatting? Proofreading? These are not particularly expensive services. Can’t we just create our own low cost or free publishers?

submitted 4 days ago by LibertyLizard to c/farming

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Very cool project and glad to see it’s still going strong. Fun fact: I actually helped plant some of the very first trees here when it was just an empty field.

submitted 4 days ago by LibertyLizard to c/treehuggers

Very cool project and glad to see it’s still going strong. Fun fact: I actually helped plant some of the very first trees here when it was just an empty field.

submitted 1 week ago by LibertyLizard to c/
submitted 1 week ago by LibertyLizard to c/

Anyone else finding these? Small but delicious.

submitted 1 week ago by LibertyLizard to c/treehuggers
submitted 3 weeks ago by LibertyLizard to c/treehuggers
submitted 1 month ago by LibertyLizard to c/treehuggers
submitted 1 month ago by LibertyLizard to c/solarpunk
submitted 1 month ago by LibertyLizard to c/treehuggers
submitted 1 month ago by LibertyLizard to c/
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