Two decades before Asperger and Kanner, Sukhareva was researching autism in children. Her contributions were likely not acknowledged because of her Jewish heritage.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by Amicchan@lemmy.ml to c/neurodiversity@lemmygrad.ml

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/388541

Great, more potential "diverse" imperialists to deal with.

Wait no, that's that other autistic woman who ran for congress.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/372983

Politics is full of nuance and contextual information; so struggling with interpreting social contexts can lead to autistic people being gullible.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/354090

And people wonder why I don't go out often…


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/353641

So much for "social democracies", they may as well just be capitalist countries.


I hope the author got some sources for those numbers.


cross-posted from: https://lemmygrad.ml/post/14788

I probably should make a "neurodiversity" channel eventually.


As deepfakes get used more often, people are going to start becoming aware of Deepfakes; but they won't properly grasp the Deepfake detection methods. People will likely resort to just assuming a video with weird movement is a deepfake.

However, people don't have a good understanding of neurodiversity; they still hold misconceptions of mental disorders. With the stated preposition, people could (accidentally) treat neurodiverse people like they are Deepfakes. (To my knowledge,) there are also no known training sets that include neurodiverse people.

These misconceptions could be a problem if a deepfaked person has recovered from, or has not mentioned, their disorders.


  • A popular actor has recently gotten schizophrenia; but the public does not know of it. Someone makes a deepfake of the actor and the public laughs at it. The next day, the actor goes on an recorded interview; but he acts strangely (due to schizophrenia). With the increased awareness of deepfakes, some people accuse the video of being a deepfake. This leads to some outrage until the recording team confirms that the video was not deepfaked.
  • An autistic wife gets deepfaked by her husband (with her consent); but it happens to coincide with her behaviors. Viewer assumed that she really said or did X (where X is a statement or action) because the deepfakes acted similar enough to the real person that viewers assumed the deepfake was her.
submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by Amicchan@lemmy.ml to c/neurodiversity@lemmygrad.ml

Ever since I learned about the recuperation of /r/antiwork, I thought about diagnoses.

Diagnoses, in the U.S, are hard to get; so (online) neurodiversity communities allow undiagnosed neurodivergent people.

What would be the criteria for someone to be neurodiverse though? There has to be some criteria, otherwise you would let everyone in, which would nullify the original goals of a neurodiverse space.

  • Diagnoses are one criteria; but they often cost money, and they contain sensitive information.

The lack of gatekeeping could mean that NTs can participate in the community more than neurodiverse people. The NT users could then bully out the original neurodivergent user base and misappropriate the space.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by Amicchan@lemmy.ml to c/neurodiversity@lemmygrad.ml

I did. (Ideally, I would like to not work at all, but that's greedy and its a currently unrealistic goal).

I would prefer to not be employed in the West; on top of the issues already present in all workers, there is too much ableism for me to deal with that. I already burned out just by existing in school; I don't want to imagine the hell of existing in employment.

  • Executive dysfunction would mess up my ability to complete the necessary goals at work; it would build up into a big burnout.

I think I would have liked to be in a country that doesn't have compulsory education.


I don't like executive dysfunction; executive functions are used in a lot of fields and daily interactions, in all political systems, and executive dysfunction ruins them for me.

Jobs do not cooperate well with executive dysfunction; so in a capitalist society, I would struggle to survive. I also lose so much motivation to do anything.

That's the only advantage I can find though; I'm still disadvantaged in the U.S. I still hold hope for more advantages of executive dysfunction though.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/231313

Disappointment 100.

This always annoyed me. Why do so many studies have issues with setting up fair and balanced tests? Why are the sample sizes too low?

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by Amicchan@lemmy.ml to c/neurodiversity@lemmygrad.ml

Now excuse me, I have to post this on reddit to piss people off. /s


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/159584

I usually just ignore societal rules and only do activities that I want or need to do.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by Amicchan@lemmy.ml to c/neurodiversity@lemmygrad.ml

I struggle with determining the extremity of my executive dysfunction. I procrastinate, and I can maintain my function for sometime; but it is exhausting to do so.

I wish I had a gauge for it.


I want to immigrate away from the United States, but I don't know where to immigrate to.

  • The U.S is an awful place for workers, specifically neurodiverse workers; I am diagnosed with Autism and ADHD, and have dark-skin. :(
  • I also think it will turn fascist in some years which, based on history, does not give a good life experience for the disabled or neurodivergent.
  • I have not been employed anywhere; but I have read online about the dozens of awful worker stories, which (probably for my benefit) dissuaded me from getting a job as a teenager; and I don't feel motivated to get one because of my ADHD.
  • U.S Self-defense laws seem draconian; even if I just rely on basic self-defense, exercise, and Krav Maga; I still fear that my potential self-defense plea will get thrown out.

(I think I want to dodge the NATO countries.) I think I would like to and try to immigrate to a socialist country; but I haven't fully layed out my reasons for that yet.

If I think of anything else to add; I'll edit the post to add it here.

I just feel useless (lemmygrad.ml)

I just feel useless. I don't think there's any value in me. When the revolution comes that'll become even more apparent.


I struggle with misinformation and I hate it; I can't hold my focus long enough to properly research a topic.

I think that Autism and ADHD is part of this issue; I struggle with focusing long enough to successfully research something.


I think I understand why I constantly feel awful.


I struggle to tell if I have an abnormal sensitivity or if it's just a regular sensitivity.

submitted 3 years ago* (last edited 3 years ago) by mrcat@lemmygrad.ml to c/neurodiversity@lemmygrad.ml

how do i make it stop. people say anything out of the social norms is autistic

submitted 3 years ago* (last edited 3 years ago) by teddymarx@lemmygrad.ml to c/neurodiversity@lemmygrad.ml

autism sucks it is a disease that should be rid with eugenics is what i think sometimes. i suck at being social(i fear social rejection) this makes me depressed which makes suicidal which makes me order a rope. unfortunately i have told people about this in the past and they take away my means to kill. this them causes me to cut myself to distract myself from the pain of loosing friends due to "school rules" cutting hurts a lot how do i stop this cycle the worse bit about his is that i never get a chance to kill myself i have no one to reach out to

btw i don't have access to a phone and there are people in house who will judge and hurt me for calling a suicide hotline

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