That is unfortunately a direct crypto connection, which is a bit too much for me. It's nice that someone's trying to replace Twitter though.
Wow you're disgruntling so much there
That's why Asia, working the longest hours, is the world's most productive region, right?
something something SLAMS
The same Sony that put some software on CDs that would install itself, could not be removed, and was invisible to the end-user? Oh yeah, very secure.
I understand the reason for this, but if this is what they've decided to do they should also provide a trusted HSBC keyboard that can only be used with their banking application.
This is untrue. Overcharge protection is for preventing catastrophic events like the cell catching fire. You can easily verify this by measuring the voltage at full charge.
What's wrong with clean money, eh?
There's a distinct lack of specifics in the article, and I wonder if that's because Netflix know something the rest of the game industry doesn't and aren't letting on, or if they don't.
Why seek the approval of strangers if what you wish to do is behave poorly on the internet?
This is Java, so you can even turn those ints into Integers and doubles into Doubles if you want to maximize the objects in that part of the code. In all seriousness, though, it looks perfectly fine to me.