[-] timewarp@lemmy.world 3 points 9 hours ago

I am very much against Trump, but merely talking about Biden supporting genocide which is truthful shouldn't trigger you so much. Be mad at the Democratic party if you don't like people talking about the truth. The only reason you are scared of Trump winning is because of stupid decisions by the Democratic party, not because of people telling the truth about Biden.

[-] timewarp@lemmy.world 8 points 9 hours ago

Democrats are too scared to stand up to Israel. If you get on their bad side then they'll label you as an antisemitic and fund campaigns with that message. Israel requires people over the age of 18 to join their army, including cyberwarfare operations like Unit 8200.

A lot of people when they view social media they don't try to make their own judgements, but instead look at the top comments to try to form an opinion. They want to be able to fit in and believe that social media is a good indicator of what is the correct way to think about something. Since Israel frequently targets social media, the top comments regarding subjects that impact a persons opinion on Israel are usually crafted to support Israel.

Biden knows standing up against Israel would likely destroy his campaign. However, in this case, his support for Israel and genocide is likely to result in a close election that may end up ruining his campaign as well. The best option Democrats have is another candidate, but they know they'd need someone strong like Bernie and they are also bound to their corporate donors, so they'd rather have a Trump win than present a candidate that is more progressive that would impact their donors who they are loyal to.

[-] timewarp@lemmy.world 3 points 1 day ago

He may reveal an agreement with Musk to manipulate the platform.

[-] timewarp@lemmy.world 4 points 1 day ago

That is her phone background. She likes Pennywise so much she is trying to look like him.

[-] timewarp@lemmy.world 11 points 1 day ago

Look at what they said and did in regards to Hunter Biden, and what they say and do now. They are total hypocrites that don't believe any rules apply to them, but only to other people.

[-] timewarp@lemmy.world 4 points 1 day ago

None. Musk can't be President so he is willing to try to make a deal with Trump where he sucks his dick to control the office.

[-] timewarp@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago

Possibly? Elon Musk is an uncle to his siblings. It runs in the family.

[-] timewarp@lemmy.world 0 points 1 day ago

Repeatedly using MDMA will end up killing a lot of neurotransmitters... Basically he fried his brain.

[-] timewarp@lemmy.world 6 points 1 day ago

Explains a lot actual... Him banning those using cisgender and supporting homophobes. It is all cause he secretly wants to suck some dick.

[-] timewarp@lemmy.world 7 points 1 day ago

So pro-life they are willing to kill you just to show you how much they value life

[-] timewarp@lemmy.world 5 points 1 day ago

REMEMBER this next time you see them calling so and so a pedophile without any proof just based on their suspicions. They're constantly outing themselves

[-] timewarp@lemmy.world 1 points 2 days ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Yes but all in the past and none of them husband and wife. Like taxes and owning property, people see husband and wife as being one and the same.

submitted 11 months ago by timewarp@lemmy.world to c/privacy@lemmy.ml

Pretty much all browsers have done a lot to make fingerprinting users really easy. Disabling JavaScript is an option, but in all honesty isn't a viable solution for most sites. It also makes you pretty unique as well.

I started working on a browser extension to address this that should also work with Chromium-based browsers. It is challenging, because if you overwrite certain properties you also remove their getters. If you change the getters, you also expose that they've been changed with window.Object.

Now it can be made undetectable from what I can tell if you carefully change window.Object to hide the fact that you've changed things, but it does take some work, and there may be other issues or ways to detect the changes that I'm not even aware of.

There appears to be some extensions for Firefox like CanvasBlocker that tries to spoof canvas and other things, but they appear to be pretty easy to detect. Firefox also has an experimental privacy.resistFingerprinting from what I've found, and Tor has implemented some of these mechanisms as well, but I'm wondering if anyone knows of an extension that does a good job at changing these values without being detected that works outside of Firefox or Tor? Any JavaScript gurus interested in working on something like this?

submitted 11 months ago by timewarp@lemmy.world to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world

I got 4 20TB drives from Amazon around Black Friday that I want to get setup for network storage. I've got 3 descent Ryzen 5000 series desktops that I was thinking about setting up so that I could build my own mini-Kubernetes cluster, but I don't know if I have enough motivation. I'm pretty OCD so small projects often turn into big projects.

I don't have an ECC motherboard though, so I want to get some input if BTRFS, ZFS, TrueNAS, or some other solution should be relatively safe without it? I guess it is a risk-factor but I haven't had any issues yet (fingers crossed). I've been out of the CNCF space for a while but Rook used to be the way to go for Ceph on Kubernetes. Has there been any new projects worth checking out or should I just do RAID and get it over with? Does Ceph offer the same level of redundancy or performance? The boards have a single M.2 slot so I could add in some SSD caching.

If I go with RAID, should I do RAID 5 or 6? I'm also a bit worried because the drives are all the same so if there is an issue it could hit multiple drives at once, but I plan to try to have an online backup somewhere and if I order more drives I'll balance it out with a different manufacturer.

submitted 11 months ago by timewarp@lemmy.world to c/chatgpt@lemmy.world

About a month ago I got a notification that my subscription had been refunded and then another email that my account was terminated:

You are receiving this email because we have identified suspicious activity on your account. In order to protect our platform, we have refunded and canceled your subscription. You will no longer have access to ChatGPT Plus service.

This was after using the service for two months. I emailed and sent them a message almost immediately since I could prove my identity, but they haven't responded back in almost a month. Their customer support appears to be non-existent.

I keep wanting to sign back up, but I'm still pissed about it. I'm guessing it is because I used a virtual card when I signed up and they don't stay active for very long so I have to create a new one for each month of service. Usually I just get a failed payment notification and update my payment info with a new one which pulls from my bank account.

It sucks not being able to use the service though because it was so helpful at helping with programming tasks and Bard isn't nearly as good. Has anyone had any luck getting through to support?

submitted 11 months ago by timewarp@lemmy.world to c/lgbt@lemmy.world

I've noticed a huge influx of people at events and online calling LGBTQ+ members and supporters groomers, pedos, etc. It goes without saying that these projectors are the predators. They are essentially announcing to you that they have uncontrollable sexual thoughts about children.

Call them out as pedo projectors and tell them that they need to stay away from kids and turn themselves in. Watch their body language as you call them out. They out themselves. It really is remarkable.

submitted 11 months ago by timewarp@lemmy.world to c/reddit@lemmy.world

This is my first post and isn't meant to be inflammatory but to provoke thought and ask some serious questions. A lot of people here and on Reddit seem surprised, confused, upset, disoriented, etc. that Reddit made the decisions they did and many people may not like what I have to say.

I empathize with people's frustrations about Reddit, but what the hell did they expect? Did they think that by being loyal to a company that the company would reciprocate loyalty back to them? Did they think that Reddit was a benevolent entity with a history of doing the right thing?

For over 30 years software developers have encountered this issue. Many prominent developers decided that if the source code wasn't free and open to use and change that your product was at the whim of a corporation. They realized that if you couldn't easily sync/backup and take your data with you and host it yourself that you didn't really own it. They even realized the licensing issues and created reusable licenses so that companies using and profiting from their software had to legally publish their changes and make them free as well. It isn't a new concept, but many people suddenly act surprised.

These mods and volunteers of Reddit willingly made a choice to give their time and energy to a company for free and Reddit made it clear that they shouldn't expect anything in return. Was Reddit publicly and transparently developing a federated platform at the same time to make their communities decentralized? Were they making it easy to export your data and create your own independent instances that you host and own yourself?

The truth hurts, but in all honesty these people were nothing more than useful idiots for Reddit. The good news is that if you were one of those useful idiots that you now have a choice.

  1. You can pretend Lemmy, Mastodon, etc. are just like Reddit and do nothing different. Maybe the developers will be able to keep up and add new features, or maybe Reddit or some other company will offer them lucrative positions to take their talents elsewhere. Companies like Reddit fear nothing more than open source outpacing them. Governments fear nothing more than communities not being controlled by a centralized authority. The potential of Lemmy and other federated projects will be the target of multi-million dollar campaigns and billionaires will do everything they can to make sure they don't compete or succeed.

  2. You can donate your time in creating quality bug reports, issues, feature requests, etc. You can learn what decentralization and federation mean for you and others and become an advocate for Lemmy and other like-minded projects. You can educate your family and friends. If you work for a company, you can take a hard stance on using and implementing open source solutions in your organization. Yes, your company can even have its own internal Lemmy instance! You can learn development skills and submit improvements yourself. You can donate to Lemmy and other open source projects to help other developers work on the project full-time. You can support organizations and non-profits like NLnet that help create and fund Lemmy and other open source projects. You can ask your Lemmy instance admins and moderators what you can do to help ensure their long-term success.

If you choose option 1, don't act surprised next time when things don't pan out. Don't be surprised if the features you think are important aren't implemented. Don't be surprised if the instances can't keep up with the traffic or spam and have to shutdown. Afterall, you'll probably leave anyway for the next E Corp product announcement until you realize you were a useful idiot again.

However, if you choose option 2, imagine what this place can become. Imagine what happens when Reddit truly fails and the communities win. Imagine what happens when Muskrat or Zuckerbot is no longer in charge. Imagine what happens when politicians and companies are no longer in control of your data and tuning algorithms to get you to consume. Imagine what happens when you can take your data and leave and start your own community with your own terms, and choose who you federate with and what you want to see.

Imagine! That is all. Signing off for now.

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joined 11 months ago