Flips movie box over to check rating....
Thanks I feel called out....
But Why?
Its a swing. For segs.
You can just make that unnecessary Windows additions. No one asked Microsoft to force copilot or recall or ads or.... On to our systems.
I build "tuned" pipes for line trimmers and chainsaws.
The stoolie
The projection is so insane it's really hard to fathom they can't see it themselves.
Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!
Holy fuck we have strayed far from our foundations.
There is this one dress she wore damn near had a heart attack first time I saw her in it. If she never did again it would be a crime.
I would be annoyed at time number 30. When she won't wear the one I like. Because its a problem keeping it on.
Right the jumpers would be cable select, master , slave generally. You could use master and slave or cs but shouldn't together. Not that you can't but screwing up your jumpers was the easy way to be pulling you hair out for failure to boot to the right drive or failure to id in the right order.
I feel like I've gone round a black hole enough and collected every minute aboard imaginable to finally make it to first class.... as the entire place just shimmies about when people come and go from my table in this impossible bistro.... I want to be a sound violation in my solar system and flying a black on black on black on black on black on black on black ...... Space ship into a Star! Could you imagine getting left behind and while waiting for your friends to find you .... After waiting centuries You make it all the way to the end of the universe... To a diner Where they show up for dinner where you work at... Without you! ..... you where being good ..... and doing your job parking cars.... First fucking thing they do when then find you? Cost you your job and nearly your life when they steal a car after forcing you to show them how to get in then drug along ... get trapped and almost die by flying into a star..............