
joined 11 months ago

tl;dr I'm a noob using DooM and it seems I don't understand variables

Firstly; please forgive the gratuitous image of my RGB Steamdeck / Corne / DOOM Emacs "coffee shop" setup - I'm just enjoying it at the mo, and have a burning desire to share.

After a quick play with Zone I'm trying to setup zone-matrix as my "screensaver"

I did the following:

  1. Pulled the files from zone-matrix githib to .emacs.d/zone/
  2. Added the following to my in my config.el. I realised I was comitting heresy for copying another person's config (from a stackexchange answer) and braced myself for errors;
(defun tabbar-mode () (lambda (x) (message "%s")))
(add-to-list 'load-path (concat dotfiles-dir "zone"))
(require 'zone-matrix)
(require 'zone-matrix-settings)
(require 'zone-settings)

(setq zone-programs [zone-matrix])
(zone-when-idle 60)

After a doom sync I get an (to be honest expected) error void-variable dotfiles-dir.

The issue I have is with the definition dotfiles-dir - I clearly don't have that variable set, and wonder which of the following is the least-worst approach:

  1. Because I'm on DooM there is probably already a similar variable set linking to .config/doom/ am I better putting the zone directory in there? If so, do I hard-code the path in the line containing dotfiles-dir?

  2. Should I define a dotfiles-dir or zone-matrix-dir instead? I assume that flies in the face of dotfile conventions?

I'd love to hear your thoughts

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

Because I use evil mode, I changed evil-move-cursor-backward

[–] 1 points 10 months ago (2 children)

This is really helpful thanks - I ended up changing a variable and now it works (for my purposes)

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

My apologies, I've edited the Op

[–] 1 points 11 months ago


This was what I was after - thanks

[–] 0 points 11 months ago (4 children)

I feel I haven't explained properly. Typing links out manually works fine (like your example).

But I don't get the preceeding space using org-store-link (or using org-roam-node-insert or org-roam-node-find - presumably these call org-store-link.

My workflow is:

  1. In insert mode, type text, with a trailing space before where I want the link;
  2. Somehow when I exit insert mode, the trailing space after my text gets deleted; and
  3. In normal mode, call org-store-link (or one of the roam ones).

What I end up with is the link nestled against the last non-space charachter of my text


tl;dr why do my org links not have a space before them (e.g. check out thisLINK)? I feel I'm missing something very basic here.

I was using org-roam today in doom emacs and forgot how irritating adding a new node is while writing.

It nestles nicely up to the text before it - with no space in between. After posting on r/orgroam a kind soul told me this might be a wider issue - at least related to org itself, and maybe doom.

Does anyone know how to get a leading space before the node name / link? For example; my nodes come out looking like:

something interesting is in thisNODENAME/LINK check it out

For the love of RMS I want a space between this and NODENAME

I'm clearly being dumb, but can't figure this out. Surely enough people use emacs / doom emacs / org mode, and they are not all adding links everywhere with no leading space?

A suggestion on r/orgroam was put a double space before a link - is that it?

[–] 1 points 11 months ago

Lol, I started with ipodlinux. That Svalboard looks great.

Kudos for working deeply in emacs every day - I've been an occasional user (weekly / monthly) for 2+ years. I feel like I google / M-x more than I actually work. Many a time I've felt like quitting.

WSLg will hopefully change that, at least in the office.

About the comments, I think people have been OK on the whole - I was expecting far more actual hate


So after my struggles getting this setup going I'm really enjoying this setup.

Thought I'd post here as there is quite a bit of intersectionality between the emacs, Arch, Steamdeck, Nix and Mechboards communities.

Spec as follows:

  1. Steamdeck (LCD);
  2. SteamOS 3.5 Preview (Arch based and compatible with Nix packages);
  3. Emacs 29 (via Nix package);
  4. DooM config + some tweaks of my own; and
  5. Corne Light v2 with random DSA caps.

Ambitions for this setup are:

  1. Better emacs-fu (thanks to everyone here with their help so far);
  2. RGB underglow on the keyboard for 90s vibes;
  3. Printed keycaps in jazzy colours;
  4. Better keymap (maybe Miryoku or something with homerow mods)

I'm a noob (of nearly 3 years using emacs).

Buffer / window management still confuses me.

I haven't really learned to use / position / switch windows and buffers. Simply because I used to one org-mode window most of the time.

Now I'm using org-roam, amd dealing with multiple small files, I keep getting stuck in silly situations, like ending up with:

  • a roam buffer and my fallback buffer vertically stacked - when I want to "fullscreen" the window with the roam buffer, I can't delete or kill the fallback window / buffer.

  • two fallback buffers vertically stacked. Neither of which I can kill or delete.

Is there a good guide somewhere?