
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 7 months ago (1 children)

I can see it now, thank you. Also, just for clarification, with Reclaim Potential, when your echo gets destroyed and you have 1 temp HP, you're out of luck, right? the 2D6+CON won't overwrite this (so you get those instead), right?


First off, you have an amazing community here, congratulations. It really touches me to see lemmy getting big enough to be of actual help, rendering that other platform unnecessary. Thanks for your input recently.

I was hoping you could help me clarify some other questions about the echo knight so I don't need to create an account on the Dnd Forums.

  1. The echo can use the first part of the sentinel feat (says the FAQ on the forums) with it's reaction (reduce enemy movement to 0 with an attack of opportunity) - can it also benefit from the Shield Master (receive no damage on an successful dex-save)
  2. can the echo be used for the protection-fighting style (use reaction to impose disadvantage on an attack directed at someone next to you)?
  3. Can the ability to see through your echo avatar be used to create an echo at a spot your echo can see (that is still less than 1000' away from the knight)?

I hope that's all of them... Thank you so much in advance & keep on making social media social again :)

[–] 2 points 7 months ago

Thanks both of you (I hope sees this answer directed at him, too) . You do seem to have a lot of fun with Prestidigitation^^ We have a kender bard and a highelf mage in the party, both very attuned to mockery, so I believe my GMs sanity might be endangered if the Fighter starts something like that as well^^

I do have an Intelligence of 14 mind you, I'm not dumb, just ugly (CHA 9)^^ I can use the echo as cover, but more cover is always better, right? even more so as it's my duty to protect my spellcasting brother. He's rather feeble but very smart - he can see through the cover that the goblins think is solid.

Something to think about.

[–] 1 points 7 months ago

These are great & specific suggestion, you're awesome. Really like the battlefield map or message option which I would never have thought of. Superb fit for a military background.

[–] 1 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (1 children)

Mind Sliver

sounds cool! My GM also gave me your consideration - I don't profit from more attacks, which is true, but! I'm only using a longsword and shield, so I do D8s of damage, which is also how Booming Blade scales, so I'm "only" missing out on the +4 Strength Bonus (currently). Plus I intent to regularly make use of the extra damage Booming Blade gives by disengaging via echo. At least in my mind.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to be smarter than what you suggest (I can't - I'm a noob), I just use the opportunity to check wether my plan would work in the first place.

[–] 2 points 7 months ago

I totally forgot to think about utilities, thanks. also the site is awesome, thanks for that as well. We have a kender bard and a highelf mage in the mix already, so I think they'll be much better at creative magic use and I don't want to "overdo" it (I heard magic in Dragonlance is rather rare). My Inteligence is 14 though, mind you.^^ It's that dangerous middleground where you feel smarter than many (and like to show it), but aren't anywhere near the really smart people. Roleplay potential yay!

[–] 1 points 7 months ago (1 children)

I did not think of that, thanks. Prestidigitation sound really fun, but since we have a kender Bard and a Highelf mage in the party already, I believe there will be a great lot of magic shennanigans going on without me chipping in.

[–] 1 points 7 months ago

I'm a total noob without any knowledge other than the computer games mentioned. I also used some kind of character builder, not sure if from R20 or D&D beyond - which also had a limited list. I chose shield, which isn't a good choice if you want your Bonus action for other stuff like being someplace else^^


I’ve recently jumped into a game of Dragonlance despite the fact that all I know of D&D stems from Solasta & the old Neverwinter Nights games. I came to play an Elf Fighter that I want to subclass to Echo Knight. The GM was so friendly to let me rethink my choice of cantrip, which I humbly seek to be advised on. My current favourite is Booming Blade, which I find mixes well with the ability to move out of the current melee by switching with the echo. It also scales in damage the same way I’d receive extra attacks, so I won’t be missing out on much damage in my view. What would you choose, and why?

[–] 2 points 11 months ago

I played lots of forbidden lands and quite some dragonbane. Undoubtedly dragonbane is much more heroic with the aforementioned death saves, hitpoints and conditions. Bear im mind that damage taken while down (from an aoe-monster attack or a stray fireball) is an automatically failed safe. In my experience you can absolutely play it gritty, dark & challenging, just by giving less opportunity to rest & be on friendly grounds. You could even homebrew-temper with the death saves, die after 2fails but recuperate with 5successes, or leave them out entirely. But gain a bit of experience with playing as intended. Characters do die, by no means less often than in fbl.

[–] 2 points 11 months ago

Take a guess... But I haven't been on reddit for a long time.

[–] 93 points 1 year ago (3 children)

wish me luck :) I'll keep you updated.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

This is essentially copy/paste of what I wrote on, forgive me when I could have done it more elegantly:

I believe it hits the sweet spot on many levels, including:

  1. The rules. They are both easy to understand and apply ingame and flexible enough to allow for a fine granularity. In a group of GMs we discussed if there was a "best weapon". We could not agree because each has its usecases - not bad for a system with 2 weapon stats and some tags on them.
  2. The lore. It's a fantasy classic with a surpising twist to it here and there. Without spoilering too much, halflings are all jolly and merry and friendly but behind closed curtains they hate each other, are alcoholics and beat their children.
  3. The campaigns By the time of writing there are three official campaigns available. Broadly speaking, they take well established elements of the lore (the "Bloodmist" that isolated villages for 3 centuries) and lets the players discover their reasons. And of course, save the world and/or carve out a good piece of it for the players themselves)
  4. The flexibility & preparation required: Of course, if you're not so much interested in the campaigns, you can play Forbidden Lands as a pure hexcrawl / dungeoncrawl. With little preparation required by the GM. The mechanics for travelling and resource management are excellent, the random encounters and tables to generate adventure sites provide you with enough tools to keep you and your players entertained for month.

Combat is much quicker resolved (and, as stated above, much more streamlined and fluid than pathfinder or DnD). A character has at most 6 Hitpoints (his strength), and losing those points makes him weaker (because they use strength to do melee attacks as well). At the same time, becoming "broken" takes you out of the fight and you receive a critical injury, possibly, but not necessarly, death. Call it - more dangerous, but less deadly.

I in fact love it enough to have opened the lemmy community.

Edit: I think it's vital to have a Session 0, especially with players accustomed to D&D.

  • Combat will be more dangerous, running away is often a viable option. (That goes for NPCs as well - the GM should always put some thought into why their NPCs fight and what they are willing to sacrifice for it)
  • Spellcasters are not like D&D. They will need a sword or ranged weapon to make a signifficant contribution to combat. They can also wear armour freely.
  • FbL is a sandbox, players are supposed to find and pursue their own destiny. Some Players, however, need explicit questgivers & guidance. If the GM does not know this and adapt, the table may likely dissolve.
[–] 1 points 1 year ago

I wish I could have helped properly. Now I got to know the cool app and you had to find a "hack". Anyways, I hope you find our content useful. I was a bit lazy during the weekend, but I'm compiling topics/"needToKnows" for session zero. Greatly influenced by this very post here.

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