I have some days off until new years. Will try to put it up and update this comment. Interested to hear what improvements people come up with!
Using Garuda Linux with KDE. Installed this package: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/gamescope-session-steam-git
Wrote some scripts that performs the switching like it's being done on ChimeraOS & the Steam Deck. Want to release them in a repository some time, but they're awfully hacky right now.
As an alternative approach you can look into ansible. As opposed to making a system backup you can define your system configuration as code that you can redeploy with it.
Seems like they at least could've made the page have a no-cache header so you don't have to wipe the cache & history by hand.
Here's why
Human rights
Do I understand correctly Deutsche bank got immunity from a 156 million euro fine for its information that lead to a 26 million euro fine for Rabobank? Seems weird they got immunity for a (way) higher fine then resulted from their info.
Tried going to the post example. For me it completely crashes the app.
Weet iemand op welke alternatieven gedoeld wordt?
If what the first commenter said is true. They will just implement RCS or an alternative in the EU and make up some reason why they can't or won't for the US market.
I think the argument is pretty solid as an alternative to writing PKGBUILDs yourself. Sure it doesn't hold up for people unfamiliar, but Arch is build on the idea of getting yourself familiar with it.