This is very nice :) I was working on a proof of concept similar to this to have a quick search functionality for FrankenJura (german hiking database) but it was lost in a drawer due to lack of time 😁 Great work and thanks for sharing it :)
You can pull the wiring yourself, but an electrician needs to do the connections and insulation tests :)
I think OPs issue is a combination of available space and regulations. Little space + no copper data connections next to power cables leave little choice but fibre.
I‘m kind of in the same boat, as I would like to connect the garage and an annex building. However, the garage needs power to, prepared for EV - so, large power cable as well. Same for the annex one, in which I just want to have bandwidth available :)
Yes please. I need my MGS fix, dearly 😁
That outlet sure has fun :>
Ah, die eigene Medizin. Sehr gut. Diesem Knilch gehört auch die Fritzbox weggenommen.
I think that „Directors Cut“ would‘ve been a more fitting term for this :) Nonetheless, an epic tale that is worth every second spent.
Got caught by the police and forgot it at home? 10€. Not having a license in general? That‘s a paddlin‘. More can be found here.
Scheinbar schlicht Kapuzenband. Die Metall- oder Plastikhülsen heißen Nadel (Metall heist auch Pinke, Kunststoff Stift).
Was sich mir nicht erschließt - wieso darf die Bild KI-Scholz verwenden (wohlgemerkt, mit dem Hinweis, das es KI-Generiert ist) und ZPS nicht?
If I recall correctly, I couldn‘t find API endpoints back then and had to browse/prse the pges based on the regions and the links on the landing pages 😅