Most dried pasta is vegan, though. Unless specifically buying egg pasta.
You must be fun at parties.
Sounds great in theory, but in this case the daughter just wanted to have a laugh and literally played out a cartoon episode. If the dad respected it for a week she'd just have given up on it and no memories were created.
It probably IS standard notes, given that Proton acquired them.
Not for 99% of the population...
Well, sounds great for any non mobile storage then. Don't think anybody cares whether their 10kWh solar battery is twice the size and weight if it's half the price.
Thank you :)
What other benefits do they have? Do they have less wear or are cheaper per Wh to produce?
Or at least, about to be when production ramps up further?
Are you really bringing up resource limitation when your point is energy sources that depend on finite fuel?
Besides, the current form of renewables is the best option we have right now, so we should put all efforts into that. Once we find something better, absolutely go for that.
Correct, but don't forget that renewables is an umbrella term.
If you use solar, wind, hydropower, geothermal and bioenenergy, you're diversified and it's all renewable. Add in storage and there's not much of an issue anymore.
Ich hab keine Ahnung wie ich am besten umziehe ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Aber über die App geht's ja noch...
You're welcome! I don't know why it's so uncommon knowledge that pasta is just 2 ingredients, but this isn't the first occurrence I told someone that didn't know :P