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[-] 2 points 5 hours ago

I've never mentioned the software store.

And not every single piece of software is on it.

And yes you'll still need to use the terminal for more than just updating and installing software. Kinda routes back to my problem in regards to transitioning from one OS to another.

[-] 2 points 5 hours ago

In actuality - Adam Sandler needs $XX Million dollars because Netflix has poor taste in talent and would be willing to sacrifice at least 20 shows to be pulled from it's cycle to make this work.

[-] 9 points 7 hours ago* (last edited 6 hours ago)

marking the next step in Republicans’ war on education.

This line alone is actually making me feel really depressed now.

I'm not the smartest person in the world, but I would absolutely hate being in a part of the world where there is a party that actively works to dismantle people's branch towards being better educated.

No, you must not be too smart or else you're against them. Fucking braindead Texas.

Can you imagine if their practice was nationally adopted? You'd have a lot of people going around saying "I don't know" when asked if they knew directions to somewhere. People having angry debates with another because they were asked about how much salt was applied to a piece of meat. People tearing down signs because they didn't understand them.

I mean, we DO have these people, but not the entire population of them.

[-] 2 points 7 hours ago

Agreed. I know it must be inconvenient to come across this thing. But people have to realize, it is done for a reason.

You wouldn't want anyone to pretend they're you online and ruining your credibility and reputation.

[-] 5 points 7 hours ago

Ubuntu and it's spin-offs are really are as close as we're ever going to get to a full, user-friendly Linux OS. At least one that isn't going to scare off as many people.

It's just when you tell people the part where you have to keep track of some of the software that they use through the terminal, that's when you start seeing them trickle off back to Windows.

Because the average user doesn't have the patience, time or know-how to utilize commands in a terminal. If you plopped them down during the era where DOS was prominent, they'd be so lost and be begging for a UI to handle everything.

[-] 10 points 8 hours ago

Add the whole fucking party.

[-] 9 points 8 hours ago

Republicans NEVER accepted election results unless THEY won.

It's nothing unique to 2020. It was only a big deal because of fatass Trump.

[-] 9 points 9 hours ago

NO! I've got something better!

We make the ads guilt you into using ad blockers! Then we pepper your active streaming with ADs every 30 seconds! YOU WILL BUY! YOU WILL CONSOOME!

[-] 2 points 9 hours ago

It's starting to feel that way. The ISP I use that also serves telephone, only serves VoIP and I've had other services before do the same.

Like, why do that when I've gotten a Google Voice number for free to use?

[-] 1 points 9 hours ago

Oh cool, so like, piece of shit corporations can just mow down many more forests, rainforests and shit under the guise "but but we got this thing from scientists where we can replace the trees with these cages!". Fucking hell.

I praise the breakthrough but I don't think it's going to be carried out as intended.

[-] 4 points 9 hours ago

Well that 'protection' failed you, didn't it? lol

[-] 2 points 9 hours ago

The only apple things I've ever owned was an IPod. And I never paid full price for that shit.

submitted 2 days ago by to c/

I've been reluctant on getting chromebooks because I know how much Google loves to encompass everyone into it's always-online, data farming ecosystem. Well I know that some select Chromebook models allow Linux to be installed on them to the point of telling ChromeOS to fuck off.

I already have one laptop that's an HP Stream with Bhali Linux on it, it's not a super powerful laptop, I just wanted to kick Windows 10 off since someone dared to install that onto it with the specs it's got.

I'm just wondering though if anyone has attempted to install Linux on this model? I plan to grab a light-weight distro and turn it into a casual laptop unlike the HP Stream one where I just have it there for personal use while my desktop is the brunt of gaming and art stuff.

I was planning to format a flashstick and go the route of using the Universal USB Installer but not sure if this Chromebook model is going to reject or worse - brick itself if any attempts were made.


My pick is Five Finger Death Punch and the obvious answer is Ivan Moody. The guy radiates that alpha-male wannabe energy and it definitely rings through all of the songs he has written and performed with this band. The guy is just a prick and a self-victimizing asshole.

I think he's the primary reason FFDP is mocked so badly.


I use ProtonMail as my primary e-mail client. For some reason, I cannot get to ProtonMail to verify an e-mail that I used to register elsewhere. I keep getting the hourglass on Firefox. So I go a try Chrome and it's the same deal.

Of all of the browsers, Microsoft Edge immediately got me there whereas before hand, Firefox didn't have a problem. But it seems like today, it decided to shit the bed as well as Chrome on getting me to a place I regularly log into every day of the week.

I don't get it and it's stupidly frustrating at times. This is applicable for when things you've used for so long just stop working.


For example, I sometimes do want to vote for Trump. Not because I like the man. Not because I find him as a credible leader, in fact, he's a murderer in my eyes by negligence because of his handling of the 2020 COVID Pandemic.

But I want to vote for him because of all of the collective amount of stupidity I see society spiraling into and almost at a stunning level of complacency. We complain more than we do. We nitpick and cherry pick anything from anyone that isn't warranted and make a big deal of it like someone's post on social media.

We continue feeding into the things we cry about being bad. Just so much fucking stupidity at competing levels that challenges the previous record.

And I want to vote for someone who is as destructive as Trump, as a means of just punishment because of this. It's like, society doesn't learn as much as it should, so fuck you, have another 4 years of this asshole and this next set will most likely be the kind where we'll see irreversible damage.

All because of society's obliviousness and idiocy.

submitted 1 week ago by to c/

Try out Proton Mail, the secure email that protects your privacy: a brand new laptop or desktop running Linux: https:/...

New Mods Please (
submitted 1 week ago by to c/

Like seriously, where are the current ones at? There's too much trash and clutter posts here.


With Lemmy - I can block whomever is bothering me and I will not see their posts ever again. I can see their notifications and they somehow can keep responding to me (which ought to be worked on). But erasing their existence on my end should be a thing when you don't want to deal with them.

Lemmy and other federated spots, allow me to make posts that I would otherwise get faulted for if I tried them on Reddit. Like on AskReddit, they don't like it when you ask a question and try to put something in the message body for clarification or it gets removed.

So you have to spend time making another comment to clarify with the possibility of it not being understood anyways because hey, hindsight users.

The karma system on the fediverse does not necessarily impact how much you can post and where you can post. Probably one of the big differences between Lemmy and Reddit for example. If you had negative karma on Reddit, good luck trying to post anywhere because you'll get nagged with Captcha systems.

And good luck posting anywhere you'd like on different subreddits because they'll just outright remove your posts automatically because an arbitrary karma count wasn't met and no subreddit is transparent about it.


I for example, expect him to no longer require nutrition labels to be on packaged and canned foods. We're all just going to have to eat what we can and play it by portion sizes.

I also expect him to roll back and undo safety regulations within the food industry.

I'm pretty sure he's going to roll back just about everything Biden has done.

He'll make sure the filibuster is gone so that everything he wants to do will just be on the express lane.


When we sleep, we are technically half-dead. So, wouldn't it be safe to say that everyone currently living has died many times?


Especially if you get an entire string of them because somehow you didn't do it right.


Look at this fucking mess with these bots and lonely losers with too much time on their hand. They've all taken a dump on multiple instances and magazines.

Is this the kind of future we've got to look forward to on the Fediverse?

submitted 2 months ago by to c/

I forced myself to go back a little to Reddit recently. Because while I endorse and love the existence of the Fediverse, I can't in good conscience, tolerate the instability of it. Any other time I go somewhere, I'm met with a page that says KBin is working on resolving issues, then I go somewhere else and it's fine.

Sometimes commenting takes a little lag, requiring me to click twice, this happens when I'm even commenting to other instances from KBin, like to Lemmy.

I understand that the fediverse isn't as well maintained and operational as most centralized social media sites. But if it could smooth and iron out these issues, then it would be more of an attractant to gain users.

Because not only do users seek alternatives to go, but they'd love it if there was stability in functionality.

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joined 9 months ago