[-] shalafi@lemmy.world 3 points 6 hours ago

Had no idea people were like that before Nextdoor.

[-] shalafi@lemmy.world 5 points 6 hours ago

Staying with Edge to see exactly what happens.


"What will shalafi be doing on June 4th?"

[-] shalafi@lemmy.world 2 points 7 hours ago

The Constitution clearly lays out the qualifications for POTUS. You can't make legislation that overrides it.

[-] shalafi@lemmy.world 3 points 7 hours ago

This Supreme Court has not always been friendly to Trump, nor his cronies, nor conservative causes. Their rulings are all over the place regarding politics. Here's a pile of liberal wins.

[-] shalafi@lemmy.world 4 points 20 hours ago

LOVE black powder. Whatever's in my AR-15 shells is foul though. No other round bothers me. .22LR, .22MAG, .380. .45, any given shotgun shell, no problem. Every .223 round smells awful.

Anyone know what that might be?

[-] shalafi@lemmy.world 9 points 20 hours ago

Nobody gonna bring up "fluffer"?

[-] shalafi@lemmy.world 8 points 20 hours ago

Which one's Pink?

[-] shalafi@lemmy.world 13 points 21 hours ago

Trucker picks up a couple of gay dudes hitchhiking. After they get rolling the first hitchhiker asks if he can fart in the cab.

"Sure. No problem."

Man rips a trombone, and gods does it smell.

Further down the road the next hitchhiker asks the same.

"Hey, we all gotta bro. You go for it."

Dude brings out a tuba, stinks like death.

Finally the trucker starts getting squirrelly.

"Guess you guys don't mind if I let one rip?"


Gay guys smirk, "WE KNOW WHO'S A VIRGIN!"

(Sorry, but that's all I can think of seeing this cartoon. Flips it around nicely. 🎷)

[-] shalafi@lemmy.world 3 points 1 day ago

Used Firefox on and off since it came around, not a fan. But if chromium blocks ad-blockers, I'm switching instantly. I doubt many people know or care enough to switch.

[-] shalafi@lemmy.world 5 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

to allow only the U.S. flag, state flag, city flag, and the Prisoner of War/Missing in Action flag to be flown on city property

So what's the problem? I'm a liberal gun owner. Can I fly my snowflake flag or my defend equality flag? Someone will completely miss the point and say, "But my flag is different!" Which is why:

Only US, state and city flags on government property.

Yes, the point of the ban is to shutout LGBT voices. I get that and I'm still OK with the end result, even if the origin is foul.

(I'd even be down with removing the POW flag.)

[-] shalafi@lemmy.world 7 points 1 day ago

Close, but jury instructions are very particular.

"This is the exact law and how it works. Did the defendant run afoul of this law?"

A competent judge and prosecutor forces the whole show to stay exactly in those bounds.

[-] shalafi@lemmy.world 17 points 1 day ago

I honestly don't think lawmakers put that level of thought into dismantling education. Votes are the only goal here.

Somewhere along the line, it was Limbaugh for me, conservatives noticed that educated people tend to vote liberal. Well hell, how do we explain this?!

The pundits launched a full-frontal attack on education and those "ivory tower liberals". Who the fuck are these people to tell me how to think when I got the Bible and my gut feelings?!

I watched this unfold. No one talked down on education in the 70s and 80s, nothing like the conservatives do now anyway. Then... Remember Rick Santorum baggin' on Obama for having 2 degrees? While Santorum had 3. FFS, Obama taught Constitutional law at Harvard and the GOP acted like that made him less able to judge Constitutional matters.

Now "education bad" gets votes, that easy. I don't think there was a real plan. As always, the GOP rolls with what works emotionally. (While the Democrats think they can win on logical arguments.)


Where do I begin to even see if I'm interested?


I'm wanting something to run around the hood and offroad, mostly in deep sand. An electric version of this: https://www.tractorsupply.com/tsc/product/coleman-mini-bike-bt200x-g

What else do I need to be concerned about?

submitted 2 months ago by shalafi@lemmy.world to c/guns@lemmy.world
submitted 3 months ago by shalafi@lemmy.world to c/dune@lemmy.world
submitted 4 months ago by shalafi@lemmy.world to c/mycology@mander.xyz
submitted 5 months ago by shalafi@lemmy.world to c/superbowl@lemmy.world

Got a couple of acres in a NW Florida swamp. Been hearing Barred Owls for years.

How do I spot one? And tricks other than sitting still and being quiet? They seem to come pretty close. Can I "bait" them somehow with a box or something they would like to visit?

Funny story: First night I camped, three were doing their call/response thing. Every time they called, closer, and closer. Freaky sounding, one of the calls sounds almost like a child crying out.

For some reason, my idiot self thought coyotes were closing in. (Yes, I know well what coyotes sound like.)

Got a little freaked, grabbed my .410 (tiny shotgun) and decided to take the fight to them, scare 'em off (didn't want them rooting around my site). Again, I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, promptly got lost.

Got home, "Hey Google! What do coyotes sound like?" Oh FFS. I am not a clever man.

Saw a Pileated Woodpecker the other day though! Super cool and way bigger than I thought.

submitted 6 months ago by shalafi@lemmy.world to c/pics@lemmy.world

Saw this on the table. Been waiting all year for the prism to start working well!

submitted 6 months ago by shalafi@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world

It stands to reason he must have been doing something right to have stayed so close to the halls of power.

I was a toddler when he was carpet bombing Cambodia, never knew him as anything but "an important person" that was sometimes on the TV. Only learned of his crimes in the past decade.

How did an in-your-face war criminal retain such influence for so long?

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by shalafi@lemmy.world to c/armedqweers@lemmy.blahaj.zone

I'm an old (GenX), straight, white, American guy, but I'm right with you all.

I might say things that are offensive, because I can't pretend to be in your shoes and might get something wrong. I'm often just trying to understand. Hell, I didn't figure out that gay rights are civil rights, my rights, our rights, until 10+ years ago.

It's 100% OK if you want to keep this a non-cis space. I get that and won't be butthurt.

(If shotguns are your jam, I got many more to post! Weirdly, of all the antique and vintage shotguns I have, this cheap-ass Turkish thing runs like a dream.)

submitted 6 months ago by shalafi@lemmy.world to c/ai_art@lemmy.world

Just what it says on the tin.

submitted 8 months ago by shalafi@lemmy.world to c/sewing@lemmy.world

Nothing fancy, neither is terribly new or old. Not being able to sew is really holding me back on DIY projects.

Is there an "Operating a Sewing Machine for Dummies" video or tutorial you like?

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