This is why individual insurance is better. You can switch to a better provider without convincing a large bureaucracy first.
It varies by region or state. Some places you can discipline pretty easily, others your ex will use your any discipline at all as a reason to take your kids away.
Omg, the Evermore one was so bad because it was so good but actually 4 hours long. I lost one whole day of free time to that video. Lol
Maybe I can illustrate better. Imagine your boss goes to pay you your paycheck and gives you and your coworkers 75% of what you're supposed to be paid instead of 100%. You say, "Hey, where's my other 25%" and they respond, "I don't have any more, we ran out of money to pay you. We had to adjust to stay sustainable. You'll only get 75% until our finances change." Would you say, "well, since there's still savings maybe, and there's gonna be a bunch of new money the next time you go to pay out, just not enough, you technically didn't run out. That's technically something else?" I don't know, maybe you would. I'd call that running out, though.
It's a bigger problem that barely has to do with the specific shows or movies. Marvel Studios has mostly been coasting since Endgame. It also didn't prioritize female led properties, so they're all coming out in this coasting period. This means they might be on average not as good. It's not directly because they're female led, but it is sort of indirectly because of that.
Social Security is being slowly strangled.
The demographics are probably a bigger part of it. The ratio of people collecting to people paying in is much larger now and the length of time people collect on it is longer since people live longer now.
"I only robbed you of 25% of your income, what are you complaining about?"
What people mean when they say "run out" is that it won't be able to keep up with its obligations. That is objectively bad. People will get reduced payments. There will be pain.
Everyone is talking past each other on this issue.
Some people who don't know anything are arguing that enslaved people literally benefited from slavery, but that's not what started this discussion.
Had a coworker who used MMDDYY with no dashes. Unless you knew it was very hard to figure out, since it could also just be a number that happened to be 6 digits, too. At least YYYY-MM-DD looks like a date generally.
When Trump dumped a bunch of money on the economy in 2020, he did contribute to a bunch of inflation, yes.