[-] randon31415@lemmy.world 71 points 12 hours ago

These are people who believe in the death penalty because "courts don't make mistakes".

[-] randon31415@lemmy.world 4 points 18 hours ago

"Letting in" makes it sound like the goverment has something to do with it rather than the typical paralysis and inaction. Like saying a person in a coma purposefully isn't finding work and getting off of welfare.

[-] randon31415@lemmy.world 12 points 18 hours ago

Replacement theory believes that the factual demographic shift is being done on purpose for some nefarious end and not just because of higher fertility rates in underdeveloped nations.

[-] randon31415@lemmy.world -1 points 19 hours ago

I mean, if he was sentenced to prison AND THEN won the election he would have a point. I didn't think the executive branch could get much lower than interns signing things Trump forgot to sign and him hawking beans on the resolute desk, but if Trump has to run it from prison, we would be declaring war based on what Buba in the next cell tells him to do.

"Everyone on the jailhouse block is saying..."

[-] randon31415@lemmy.world 2 points 19 hours ago

That is what I said. Israel will never accept a deal that doesn't allow them to kill the other party in the negotiations, and Biden is confused why he can't just negotiate his way to peace.

[-] randon31415@lemmy.world 15 points 23 hours ago

This is expected to hurt him with his base while Republicans call the measure fake news to cover up the 10,000 trans mules Biden ordered from Bolivia to sway the election that they heard from newsOAANmax.

The one remaining independent voter decided on Thursday to sit this one out since: "Man. I don't know what the heck is going on and everytime I pick a side, half the country yells at me."

[-] randon31415@lemmy.world 5 points 2 days ago

If he gets probation, how would that work? Normally you have to notify someone when you leave the state. That would be a full-time job for someone campaigning.

[-] randon31415@lemmy.world 99 points 2 days ago

Trump's civil trials: Half a billion in fines, lost ability to do business in New York.

Trump's Jan 6 Federal case: stuck with SCOTUS deciding on presidential immunity by looking at polls in September.

Trump's Stolent document case: postponed until an inept judge can figure out how to have a trial where one of the exhibits is "stolen plans to assassinat all current world leaders: CIA, do not distribute" without all world leaders catching wind.

Trump's Georga interference case: Trying to get the other 10 defendants guilty before going after Trump

This was the only case that could have given him prison time before the election. Let's see the judge screw it up.

[-] randon31415@lemmy.world 4 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

|Get fucked!

Rule of 34 charges.

[-] randon31415@lemmy.world 14 points 3 days ago

Obamacare website was launched at the beginning of the open enrollment window, and that was just a fraction of the us population. They now have 10 months to strategize how not to crash come April when every tax payer in the US trys to use this.

[-] randon31415@lemmy.world 4 points 3 days ago

Didn't one of the war cabinet give a deadline soon that if there was no plan besides kill them all he was going to pull put and trigger an election?

3D Turn Test (lemmy.world)

Gave up on ICON/PaMir/PiFu/Eva3D ever working on my computer and tried to make it work on my own.

Workflow: Stable diffusion, Automatic1111. -Text2Img something that your model know the back and front of with a prompt.
-Take image, feed into Depth map script, output Left/Right stereogram -Cut Stereogram into two pieces, feed either left or right into img2img with same prompt, low but non-zero de-noising, and depth map script again. Repeat on same side.

Still need to play with the settings (de-noising and depth shift), up the resolution, change the prompt a bit while rotating. Hope someone else has better luck than I did. Anyone have a better workflow?

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joined 11 months ago