
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 5 months ago (1 children)

You wrote my comment. Love to see the email work flow promoted but I am pretty confused with ayllu

[–] 4 points 8 months ago

This is a fair point. Still, something about this idea feels gross to me too. I'll stick with my tofu + spices heh.



I wrote a simple application to easily manage your Go modules that you host on your own domains, backed by sqlite3.

I know there are quite a few ways to do this (nginx hacks, static pages, other server apps) but none of them scratched my itch. I wanted a simple utility that I can add/edit via my web browser and be done with it. No config file changes, no server reloads, etc.

Happy to hear all feedback.

Blog post (if you care):

[–] 6 points 8 months ago

You can't have one without the.... other.

[–] -3 points 8 months ago

Exactly. Disgusting and extreme brutality on both sides but especially from the Israeli side and for generations now.

[–] 1 points 11 months ago

Well I've been a part of the Sourcehut (one of his major projects) community for many years and have interacted with him many many times. I've never found him to be a drama queen. Is he outspoken? Yea. Does he stand up for what he believes in? Yea. So he usually goes against the grain and catches flack for it.

[–] 9 points 11 months ago (3 children)

His last article, which is referenced in the current article, gives context:

[–] 3 points 11 months ago

This is ideal for me. I refuse to use Discord period and only use Slack only for direct client work (when they request that we use it.)

Mailing lists are great imho but I'm older than most people probably on these communities. So I'm very familiar with this.

I do think a ticket tracker is useful/required though.

At this point, who cares when LibreOffice exists? Though I do get the potential confusion for newbies but there is so much written out there on this topic I feel like it's harder and harder to get confused on the two.

Something tells me the USA is about to send some freedom down south /s

As someone living in Central America, I sure hope there isn't any new disruptions in the region.

I caught the /s.

I was wondering about this because I understood (perhaps incorrectly) that these powers only exist during the state of emergency. Once it's declared over, it's no longer possible?

Of course you're right, there is already overreaching happening. Since you live there, let me ask you, how do you feel safety wise?

For instance here in Nicaragua, it's extremely safe. Violence is basically non-existent (especially coming from Los Angeles where violence is rampant). But of course the government is what it is. So is the trade off worth it?

[–] 26 points 1 year ago (4 children)

I live in Nicaragua (I'm American) and can say that while yes he does have his critics in Central America, he's overwhelmingly supported in El Salvador and the people are actually safe, which is not normal for the last several decades.

Sometimes extreme measures are needed. It's like he said when this started, (paraphrasing) "Where were all these countries when we needed help. Where was their training, money, equipment, etc.? Our people are dying and we've had enough! So the world ignored us before and now they want to criticize us. We don't care."

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