
joined 1 year ago
[–] 3 points 9 months ago

Oh, then I'm glad I've been helpful! Of course it doesn't stop the yeast completely, but it hinders it.

About the oil, that's interesting. Maybe it's different in other countries because of different availability. Here in Italy it's always used (similar amount to salt but 1~2% of the flour weight more compared to salt) Of course only extravirgin olive oil, not sure about the results with other oils

I usually add it last, after flour, salt, water and yeast.

Some pizzas also have some fresh oil on them after cooking, but dipping is too daring for my weak traditional heart.

But if the results aew good, that's all that matters

[–] 3 points 9 months ago (2 children)

Is there a reason why you're not using oil for the dough? Also (probably you already do but I'll say for people reading) never mix salt and yeast directly, one should be added only when the other is already absorbed and well mixed. Salt contrast yeast chemical reactions. A simple way is to melt salt in the water beforehand

[–] 6 points 11 months ago

Never. Not being started is its definition itself

Unless you make it relative to something else. Now is the future of before, and before was the future of a earlier before

[–] 3 points 1 year ago

That's not really how it works. If someone can evolve the standard he's totally free to do it and nobody would object. Standards are by definition collaborative, they can be evolved.

I think the matter was around forcing a proprietary cable, which was also worse and expensive

[–] 7 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Mix it with tobacco and plenty of idiots will take it and smoke it

Source: seeing lots of dumb pranks in my teenager years

[–] 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Liked the story better than EoD, even if it was dumb to see the commander keeping his "secret" without a second thought after jormag and onis

And they still overuse >!deaths of new characters!< way too much, it doesn't have any weight when done like that

Anyway the story was different, no dragons, overall with a good pacing too. Also finally some new lore, and no magitech

So I still enjoyed it more than anything since PoF and S4 times

Also I'm interested in seeing the rest of it, especially if we end up "crossing over", that place looked great

The maps are nice (nothing too great but enjoyable), rifts last the right amount of time to avoid becoming too boring immediately, the masteries fill up quick enough too

The vault system left me with a positive impression, it's clearly something new to patch up (more dailies to choose between, mix between the games modes) but it shows potential. And they added gemstore items and gold to it, this can't be appreciated enough

Relics were frankly a disaster. Almost all of them are boring, no more summons, interesting effects were removed, especially for condi builds there is basically no choice. For many builds not equipping a relic or equipping a bad one makes realistically no difference compared to equipping a "good" one

The idea to separate the bonus from the runes was good, but there was no reason to change the effects, especially not like that. They need a complete relics overhaul ASAP

The armor sets were nice but lacking variety. Also it has to be seen how annoying the legendary armor grind will be

I haven't tried the strikes yet, so I can't really say much.

All in all, I am satisfied. There are some things to fix but it looks like a step in the right direction

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

No, it's not.

But as far as I know is an industry with a very strong make majority, isn't it?

And they would probably have said the same about a man

I'm not saying they are or aren't sexists, I'm just saying that that post doesn't prove anything other than they were idiots.

They are giving us enough reasons to hate on them without guessing reasons that could or could not be true

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Where exactly did I say sexism doesn't exist?

I'm just saying that crying wolf doesn't help neither the cause nor a healthy discussion

[–] -5 points 1 year ago (10 children)

I don't understand why people absolutely need to make everything about man vs woman.

If it was a male model those people would have written exactly the same. If tomorrow comes out an article saying the same thing about bred pitt everyone would be suspicious about that being fake too

Since the two jobs are so disconnected from each other it sounds unlikely and they assumed it was some clickbait fake post, that's all.

I'm absolutely for equality and against any discrimination against women or any other category, but making this into a gender battle is ridiculous

[–] 6 points 1 year ago

They became gay, of course

[–] 9 points 1 year ago (1 children)

There are a few technical problems with that. First of all, the cost of each instance would become quickly unbearable since everyone has all the duplicated data.

Second problem, a malign entity could just come, create its own instance, spam everything and everyone with ads or whatever and suddenly every instance is full of that stuff. Also, how do you handle defederating in that case?

What has been proposed before instead was to make some kind of mega communities that gather all posts from communities with the same name across instances

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