It's quite frightening to see how fast these AI models have improved during the last few years. You can still spot errors in the videos, but how long will it take until you can't do that anymore?
It sounds terrifying to not know what's real or not anymore. And also, these videos will put a lot of people out of jobs, especially in the creative industry. Who needs someone following a car with a drone anymore, when you can just generate that footage on the fly?
Ist vermutlich eine Anspielung auf Anfang der 2000er, da hat fast jeder Tools wie Limewire benutzt um Musik raubzukopieren - und dort gab es sehr viele solcher Fake-MP3's zum Download. :)
Da Windows bis heute Dateinamenerweiterungen standardmäßig versteckt, kann man auch immer noch darauf hereinfallen...