site-native ads, yes.

other ones that aren't even closely relevant then no.

personally this news is amusing for me.

i understand the nostalgia behind it, but everytime i see he-man, the song and skeletor memes immediately pop up.

on plain water, it can dislodge dirt without manual scrubbing.

if you add soap/ solvents in the solution, it's like a more efficient washing machine due to the micro bubbling process.

i usually do. it also helps to check first if the sub is light-hearted and sharing is very welcome.

there's a chance the sub is already at a devolving to name slinging and memes and that requires a different touch.

yes, all new cars today have the telemetry.

if only elecric non-"smart" cars we're a thing.

electric cars.

I know that there's one benefit that they do help with the carbon footprint, but factories (law-exempted for some reason), personal jets, yachts and cruise ships make me feel this personal contribution is moot.

there's also the fact that most electric cars are shipped with privacy invasive data collectors most of use didn't ask nor pay for.

[-] 16 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

ultrasound basin. you know those small things with water and vibration you dip your jewelry to wash all the gunk off?

now maybe it's big enough to dunk jeans and shirts.

[-] 11 points 1 week ago

it's interesting how they got to this target as conclusion.

for places that don't ban guns, every walmart would have them with minimal barriers for buying.

like what steam does for games, maybe it's because these guns are that easy to acquire to begin with?

[-] 8 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

job / income safety nets

universal health care

better public transpo and infra to support

public internet / utilities



thumbkey, catima, protonPass, odyssey, binary eye, mull

apotheosis. you may not like it, but this is peak form's peak form.

i like it because the o sounds roll easy and rhymes. it also ends with a hiss sound.

[-] 6 points 2 weeks ago

standard con tactics.

tell people the story they all want to hear.

sad part is a lot of these people have no critical thinking skills.

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