
joined 2 years ago
[–] 1 points 6 months ago (1 children)

I just posted an update and again it doesn't show at where the default sorting is "Active". It does show on to only when sorting by New,, but I wonder how Lemmy gets topic active when they're hidden by default.


While working on v0.18.3.2 the other day, I published a script to automate reproducible Monero builds in Split Linux.

It's not a highly-adopted Linux distribution and so when v0.18.3.3 quickly followed I wondered how I could help those of you who want to stick with what they already use.

I figured you can build entirely from the Live environment if you have at least 16GB of RAM:

  1. Boot a copy of Split Linux from a pendrive
  2. Ensure you're connected to the Internet (/etc/wpa_supplicant/ for Wifi)
  3. Mount a tmpfs: mount -t tmpfs -o size=12G lxc /var/lib/lxc
  4. Download and run the linked script
  5. Copy the results to where you need them

I hope this gets you on track to joining us as a signer for the official Monero binaries.

[–] 1 points 6 months ago I noticed this post never showed in the default sort order. Is this because it got one downvote shortly after publishing?

[–] 1 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) (3 children) I noticed this post never showed in the default sort order. Is this because it got one downvote shortly after publishing?


This is a script I made to assist in reproducibly building the Monero binaries on Split Linux, the distribution that splits your various identities into separate TTY's.

The logic creates a containerized vanilla Ubuntu install where it then executes the Gitian-Docker build variant.

An upcoming Split Linux version will ship the script, but I thought I'd do a little pre-release so you may build the recently released Monero v0.18.3.2.


While logged in as root to any TTY, ideally in a tmux window, run

OS=l ./  [container_name]
  • OS can be any lower-case initial of "Linux", "Android", "FreeBSD", "Windows" or "MacOS". Set OS=lafwm to build all (required for sharing your results via the official channel).
  • Github username is used for correctly naming directories in case in intend to publish your checksums later on.
  • Optional container name can be freely chosen, as long it doesn't clash with an existing one (defaults to gitian-TIMESTAMP).

At the password prompts, simply provide a matching one each time.

The resulting binaries can be used as-is as long as you are on a supported platform and using glibc.

To learn how to sign and publish your results, refer to Monero's Gitian documentation.


In an effort to move community communication (announcements and discussion) away from Big Tech and protect users from generalized monitoring, I just set up this instance and am already excited about lemmy! It's extremely fast and seems to be very robust.

Is there a tool to import all previous posts (r/splitlinux)?