[-] kbin_space_program@kbin.run 1 points 3 hours ago

Hey, all we need is flying combat exoskeletons and we can have real life Exo-Squad!

[-] kbin_space_program@kbin.run 1 points 3 hours ago


Many pesticides contain PFAS, some directly, but the EPA has determined it was mostly from prevuously unreported chemical reactions between the pesticides and their PFAS laced containers.

The same chemicals that have now been rated as "not safe in any quantity."

Gee, why are all the frogs and songbirds dying?

[-] kbin_space_program@kbin.run 5 points 2 days ago

I am old enough to recall pre internet. Even had a few physical letter pen pals.

Email was mind blowing.

Hell, even just the concept of digital encyclopedia, not even on the internet, was game changing.

I miss dialing 0 and instantly getting a real person to help you though.

[-] kbin_space_program@kbin.run 10 points 2 days ago

The rich absolutely want to codify that they have a set of rules "worthy of their position" and the corporate media is being forced to tow that line.

[-] kbin_space_program@kbin.run -3 points 4 days ago

Sanders isn't a socialist. His platform is right of where the centrist Justin Trudeau is.

[-] kbin_space_program@kbin.run -5 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Ah so theyre too ignorant and uneducated to realize whats at stake.

To clarify: "We're teaching the democrats a lesson by voting for Trump."

Bitch if the Orange rat gets elected, there wont be future elections.

[-] kbin_space_program@kbin.run 8 points 5 days ago

Deflation didnt cause the great depression.

The stock market crash of 1929 where there was too much imaginary money floating around and it sudde ly vanished, combined with several years of freak weather(either too little or too much rain.)

[-] kbin_space_program@kbin.run 21 points 5 days ago

They need to add that prices falling is terrible for how we measure economic success

[-] kbin_space_program@kbin.run 2 points 5 days ago

I never said that.

I said I found the older methods to be better.

Any time I've used it, it either produced things verbatim from existing documentation examples which already didn't do what I needed, or it was completely wrong.

[-] kbin_space_program@kbin.run 43 points 6 days ago

Based on Google Gemini and the sheer number of restrictions Microsoft had to place on Bing to prevent chaos.

I think saying that it "works" is a stretch.

[-] kbin_space_program@kbin.run 138 points 6 days ago

We, the Uvalde police department, stand with the community.

Specifically, we stand behind you in case there is any danger in front of us so we don't have to risk anything.

[-] kbin_space_program@kbin.run 7 points 6 days ago

I haven't had need to do it.

I can ask people I work with who do know, or I can find the same thing ChatGPT provides in either la huage or project documentation, usually presented in a better format.

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