I just tried Unexpected keyboard, it's easy to use and open source : https://github.com/Julow/Unexpected-Keyboard you can find it on F droid
Thx you for the poll, I just read Simmons's in this list, I will have a look at the rest of it :)
Great one dear cosmere friend
Me too, that way I can have a 24hours prerelease and a golden skin !
Me too !
So far I read : Mistborn era 1 and almost done with era 2, war breaker. I didnt knew about the cosmere link between books, then I will have to re read a loooot a stuff :D
Rythm of war, part 2 (each book is splitted in 2 parts in french). A huge book of 1200 pages. Probably the best piece of fantasy I read so far !
J'ai commencé la serie : Poker Face https://www.senscritique.com/serie/poker_face/44411088 Faut voir ça comme une sorte de Columbo moderne, superbement realisé et joué. Je recommande :)
Wow tres interessant, un vrai monde parrallele. Des années à bosser comme un malade pour une famille, et se faire virer quand on prend des vacances pour voir sa famille malade.
I have the same issue with my work laptop.
My keyboard use bepo key, but bepo need to be activated on windows, which I can't do. I've tried to use azerty keys but it was a real pain to setup. I gave up using bepo on this computer, but if you find a solution I'm interested !
hahaha très très bon
Ah j'aurais testé la meme chose dans le playground.
Je suis bien d'accord pour le rabbit hole, ca fait partie des projets ou tu passe plus de temps à trouver une solution automatique, que de le faire à la main ^^
The factory must grow
The factory must grow