[-] jj4211@lemmy.world 13 points 9 hours ago

I know a registered Republican who has never voted for the Republican candidate in the general election.

She says she agrees with the concept of fiscal conservativism, but every candidate she votes for in the primaries always loses to some intolerable asshat. Except she did like McCain, but she liked Obama even better.

Trump pushed her so far as to donate to the Democrats, but she is still registered Republican.

I know another registered Republican who did vote Republican back in the 80s, but at least says he hasn't recently, similar reasons. He stays Republican mainly because he doesn't see any point in bothering to change. Where he lives is die hard red so he knows the Republican primaries are his only chance to influence any candidate as even if he likes a Democrat, they will automatically lose. He votes Democrat in the general, but considers participating in the Republican primaries his best shot at mitigating the bad of the modern Republican party.

[-] jj4211@lemmy.world 6 points 1 day ago

It's a lot like his businesses back on the day. He tried the well being of something larger to him personally, so that a lot of stakeholders are desperate to bail him out specifically lest their larger concern is tanked. When his properties were in trouble in the 80s, investors/creditors helped boost his reputation because that was the only hope to salvage their money.

Here he made it so the entire Republican party will succeed or fail according to his personal situation. So desperation to mitigate his personal mess for the sake of their precious Republican party.

[-] jj4211@lemmy.world 10 points 1 day ago

I'd say the way they handled the "wokeness" was generally rough.

A good contrast is that both discovery and strange new worlds features a non binary character. In discovery, a big deal is made, some insecurity and nervousness about coming out and then a supportive reaction when they reluctantly declare it. This implies that this a Is a "big deal" when it really should be boring, this is supposed to be a super progressive society, no reason the person should have been nervous. In strange new worlds, they just are. This seems consistent with the optimistic progressive universe, that contentious facets of personal identity today are boringly accepted in this future.

[-] jj4211@lemmy.world 7 points 1 day ago

Even if he "had" to cheat and drive, he could've chosen to be like a minute later and call from anywhere except a driver's seat of a moving vehicle.

[-] jj4211@lemmy.world 1 points 2 days ago

Given that savings accounts are at 1% interest or so, that's only a thousand dollars in a savings account.

[-] jj4211@lemmy.world 2 points 2 days ago

Perhaps practically speaking you probably would get an automated form from IRS demanding a few dollars. But it'd be nice if qualification for 'direct file' option didn't rely on "mild tax evasion" for people with savings accounts.

[-] jj4211@lemmy.world 1 points 2 days ago

Yep, and I see evidence of that over complication in some 'getting started' questions where people are asking about really convoluted design points and then people reinforcing that by doubling down or sometimes mentioning other weird exotic stuff, when they might be served by a checkbox in a 'dumbed down' self-hosting distribution on a single server, or maybe installing a package and just having it run, or maybe having to run a podman or docker command for some. But if they are struggling with complicated networking and scaling across a set of systems, then they are going way beyond what makes sense for a self host scenario.

[-] jj4211@lemmy.world 5 points 2 days ago

Based on what I've seen, I'd also say a homelab is often needlessly complex compared to what I'd consider a sane approach to self hosting. You'll throw all sorts of complexity to imitate the complexity of things you are asked to do professionally, that are either actually bad, but have hype/marketing, or may bring value, but only at scales beyond a household's hosting needs and far simpler setups will suffice that are nearly 0 touch day to day.

[-] jj4211@lemmy.world 2 points 2 days ago

Wait, a bathtub isn't just a weird long urinal?

[-] jj4211@lemmy.world 10 points 2 days ago

Sounds like having any 1099 is 'too complicated'. So anyone with any sort of savings account that managed to get $10 of interest over a year... So if you have like a thousand dollars in a boring old savings account you are 'too complicated'.

[-] jj4211@lemmy.world 4 points 2 days ago

Well, the point was that it isn't competition in his scenario. I hope the exclusion of 1099 is temporary, because I had a 1099 for like a few dollars because I had a savings account that technically accrued interest, so as it stands that makes me ineligible. So his concern would be that because the tax prep services are competing against 'free' for that tier, that they'll ramp up prices for the rest to compensate for loss of income.

[-] jj4211@lemmy.world 2 points 2 days ago

Bad publicity is relative.

The "bad publicity" when he is an odious asshole? His base loves that, they think they all should be able to say that stuff out loud.

Legal problems? Well they firmly believe it's just a conspiracy to witch hunt and every case serves only to fuel their persecution complex

Anything else? Lies by the liberal media, they see the truth on Fox News. When Fox News even reports on it, then they shun them and off to newsmax or just their favorite Facebook posts.

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