I'm using uBlock, so far it works no problem for me :)
Meanwhile Comma is looking pretty interesting
Let's see how it'll turn out. I for my part just hope it can run under Proton
So it's the "We can take down what we don't like"-Act
Sure do but unless Google gets really hurt (like 40% of their income) they'll take the slap on their wrist change it a bit and continue on.
Firefox makes most of it's income (to pay staff and whatnot) is coming straight from Google. Why? So (IMHO) Google can go up to curt and say "Well we aren't a monopole. Firefox is there and we even pay them".
Google could just stop paying them at any time, they've got that biggest slice of the browser cake after all.
What about YYYY/MM/DD?
Your best bet for a no BS ebook reader might be this (if it where in stock): https://pine64.com/product/pinenote-developer-edition/
Linux user summoned
So. What can I for ya?
Now someone needs to make AR glasses with the sole purpose to detect and blur out ads
Worth it