There are some awesome hobbies that involve no consumerism, but wanted to give a shout out for making existing consumerist hobbies more sustainable:
- With cosplay- try making more costumes from existing clothes/costumes rather than buying everything new. Even picking themes that let you reuse stuff hekps reduce waste.
- You can often loan things, if you like reading you don't have to buy new books for everything! Libraries are a great resource and often stock new bestsellers.
- When you can't loan, second hand items are also great. Fast fashion is particularly unsustainable, but buying second hand clothing is a lot more sustainable.
Ah Marginalia is absolutely awesome! I feel like modern search is almost an extension of website names now, so if I want to find netflix but don't know it's website, I might search for "netflix". Marginalia is actually a cool way to find new stuff- like you can search "bike maintenance" and find cool blog posts about that topic.
I honestly can't remember if that's something google and the like used to do, but doesn't now, or if they never did. Either way, I love it!