Oof, this guy seems easily swayed.
Was it really just boredom that had brought him here [,the first far right v. antifa] rally, I asked him. “Yeah,” he said emphatically. He hadn’t felt any prior urge to join a protest movement? “I didn’t know what it was. Like I said, the security guard just told me that there was going to be a protest.” If he’d gravitated toward the anti-fascist side, would he have joined their organization instead? “For sure.”
I'm glad he got out, but there's got to be something more going on in his life, searching for meaning or guidance. In this, he's going from ethnic (but not practising) jewish, to fundamental christianty, to far right, to antifa, to judaism.
Makes sense this is how capitalism will grow - once you've refined and streamlined things as best as possible and maximized your market, your next way to continue to grow is to buy up more companies (or farmland) or expand their operations into more sectors so line goes up.
Seems like we need to figure out a way to prevent this from becoming a race to the bottom in terms of quality (and a race to the top for company profits), or turning into mega-corpos only.