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[-] 1 points 3 days ago

Not everyone can be right about everything.

[-] 2 points 4 days ago

Amen. It has become so normalized to treat company health like Ricky Bobby treats Nascar races, "if you're not first you're last" "if your not more profitable this quarter than last then your going out of business".


I can't imagine anyone that has decent prospects would agree to go back to Tesla after getting canned with those kinds of wild swings in decision making.

[-] 15 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

Haha, it amuses me to no end that ever since I watched a "Down the Rabbit Hole" video on Youtube about TempleOS a few years back I have seen it crop up in varies places from time to time as I don't remember ever seeing anything about it before.

Makes me wonder if it was always there and I just didn't notice it until I was familiar with it.

[-] 5 points 1 week ago

I use AWS to host a far amount of servers and some micro services and for them if you don't build the backup into your architecture design and the live data gets corrupted, etc you are screwed.

They give you the tools to built it all, but it is up to you as the sysadmin/engineer/ dev to actually use those tools.

[-] 13 points 1 week ago

Good thing seeing that a game is published or developed by EA, or one of its subsidiaries, is 9 times out of 10 enough for me to not bother with the game to begin with. They don't make a thing that is worth dealing with them to get to play.

That company burned all of its good will and trust with me years ago. So sure go ahead and put as many ads as you want EA. I know for sure I won't be seeing them.

[-] 6 points 1 week ago

No way in hell would I do that if I had that kind of knowledge. Look what happened to Snowden for doing something like that.

He would still spend the remainder of his life in federal prison or be executed if he ever steps back on US soil or the soil of someone with an extradition treaty that is looking to get some brownie points.

That wouldn't happen to all of them, but I bet you there are some working on some classified mess that would be found and made an example of in short order to shut the others up.


As if the Prime Video app couldn't get any worse.

[-] 50 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

As much as some of us may dislike it when a company does these kinds of things. You can't really blame them for following the laws of the country that they are headquartered in.

You can blame them for operating there to begin with in cases like Apple in China, but you could hardly blame them for following the laws of the US where they are headquartered for example.

If the law of the land where the headquarters is requires them to give up the data they do have to partner nations then they don't really have much choice in the long run if they want to continue to exist.

[-] 32 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

I think Rossmann tends to be a drama king about things sometimes, but the general overarching message he is trying to get across, sometimes poorly, is something I usually agree with. This included.

The whole thing reads like just some lawyer on retainer was sent a memo telling them to send a threatening sounding letter and no further thought or research went into it on Googles or the lawyers part.

[-] 14 points 2 weeks ago

Because the world cannot allow Georgia Prime to be reconciled. They would be to powerful.

[-] 2 points 2 weeks ago

Can't believe you forgot the bread sticks.

[-] 34 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Last time I had a Roku you could block the static home screen ads with PiHole. So as long as they don't start serving these from the same domain as something you need for the box to work right or start hard coding a different DNS server into the OS that won't respect your local network settings it will probably keep working.

But if they are not doing one of the above to get around DNS adblockers yet, they will eventually in the name of those sweet sweet ad dollars. Best to just start planning an exit from Roku products if you care about such things.

[-] 67 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

That is a lot of words to say "they found out that the big tech executives had been lying to them about being family, changing the world. etc" just as much as their last employer was.

News flash, working in big tech is every bit as soul sucking for the rank and file as it is working in big healthcare, or big law firm, or . Nothing special about it, they are large publicly traded companies that have shareholders and investors to answer to as the number 1 priority.


Jesus, again already?


Oh look, Sony revoking more licenses for video content that people "bought".


A lot of people in the UK prosecutors offices and post office management should be going to prison.

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