diy bike assembling (lemmy.world)

Bike shops are asking 100+£ for a bike assemble and it might be justified but its too much for my budget and I want to DIY it.

Is that risky to do by watching youtube videos and borrowing tools from friends?

I want to install an english threaded bottom branket with a squared tappered crankset, disc brakes (mechanical), headset (threadless including cutting stem).


Are there any individuals or services that will build a custom air quality sensor from individual components for a fee? I am mainly interested parties in a couple humidity+temp+co2 boxes (wifi,zigbee,zwave or cable)

(Airgradient is prob ideal but too expensive)

[-] evasync@lemmy.world 1 points 3 weeks ago

I think 'sar' is a good candidate for cpu, memory and network data?

linux dashboard (lemmy.world)
submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by evasync@lemmy.world to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world

I want to create a custom dashboard web app thing for the purpose of learning and to make it avalaible for selfhosted servers.

The plan is to use existing linux cli tools as much as possible.. Which of them do you think are appropriate for that purpose?

There is a nice list in this blogpost but I dont have any experience with any of them: https://www.brendangregg.com/blog/2024-03-24/linux-crisis-tools.html

[-] evasync@lemmy.world 2 points 3 months ago

For now I only want to connect a camera. Im not sure what a POE injector does so I havent realy thought about it

low power switch (lemmy.world)
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by evasync@lemmy.world to c/homelab@lemmy.ml

I want a switch with a few POE ports but it needs to be as low power as possible as I rely in solar.

Any recommendeations?

[-] evasync@lemmy.world 3 points 3 months ago

Ubiquiti camera’

are the G1 and g2 discontinued? do you know if the new versions are 'smart' (g5)?

When they say AI detection, is it something that requires an internet connection with their cloud?

[-] evasync@lemmy.world 3 points 3 months ago

Any low power security cameras that would recommend with night vision and decent quality? Ideally non-smart without a cloud option as I would like to connect it directly to an offline server with a cable or wifi (although not having a wifi might be better)

submitted 3 months ago by evasync@lemmy.world to c/bikewrench@lemmy.world

I have a steel frame and I'm looking on getting aluminum parts (eg: seatpost, headset etc)

Is Corrosion a concern?

Will I need to service the bike more frequently?

Is lube between the two metals going to make any difference?

[-] evasync@lemmy.world 2 points 3 months ago

Im still in the process of learning more (i think ill get a book on wheel building and see how it goes)

[-] evasync@lemmy.world 1 points 3 months ago

Any recommended reads on the subject?

wheel hub question (lemmy.world)
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by evasync@lemmy.world to c/bikewrench@lemmy.world

Im building a single speed mini velo with 20inch bmx wheels.

Right now Im at the process on building its wheels and I was thinking on getting bmx hubs instead of 'normal size bike wheel hubs' because they are cheaper.

Are there any downsides on doing that? Is there a substantial difference between these two types or it is just a marketing thing?

submitted 4 months ago by evasync@lemmy.world to c/bikewrench@lemmy.world

I want to build my own wheels.

What I got so far are the rims: https://www.flybikes.com/product/fly-lunar-lite-rim-black/RLRL03

And some potential hubs: Rear: https://www.tritoncycles.co.uk/components-c9/hubs-and-spares-c120/hubs-c591/surly-ultra-new-rear-disc-mtn-hub-p9851 Front: https://www.tritoncycles.co.uk/components-c9/hubs-and-spares-c120/hubs-c591/sp-dynamo-pv-8-power-dynamo-ultra-small-front-hub-p11398

I would like to get some sapim spokes but all the online calculators online are failing me because I cant find all the data points they ask: https://www.sapim.be is there an easy way to do that? Should I order the components first and measure them myself? (I felt that is kinda risky as I want to make sure everything would be compatible first)


joined 4 months ago