[-] essteeyou@lemmy.world 4 points 2 hours ago

I was going to try to make a game like this. Shortly after I started I found that ThinMatrix was working on a game called Home Grown that does most of what I wanted. It's not as in-depth as you're saying, but it might be something you enjoy.

[-] essteeyou@lemmy.world 5 points 15 hours ago

I'm with you on everything but Kamen, the douche.

He intentionally took a risk that he didn't need to and endangered everyone on board to save his job. After being told explicitly not to.

I can't stand him, but that just means he's a good character, because you're not supposed to.

[-] essteeyou@lemmy.world 4 points 15 hours ago

Yacht executions? Not sure if you meant excursions or actually executions... Could go either way with these guys.

[-] essteeyou@lemmy.world 11 points 1 day ago

IIRC Amazon emails specifically don't mention products that you've ordered in their emails to avoid Google being able to scrape product and order info from them for their own purposes via Gmail.

[-] essteeyou@lemmy.world 17 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

6 months from now it'll be relaunched, but businesses will only be able to "respond" via AI, and only if they pay for a Gemini subscription. A week later businesses will be posting the insane shit that the AI tells its customers.

[-] essteeyou@lemmy.world 3 points 4 days ago

Bored script kiddies?

[-] essteeyou@lemmy.world 78 points 4 days ago

I know it's sometimes informative, but I really hate the popularity of "$x quietly does $y" in headlines.

You want Google to run ads on TV or something? It's a tiny feature.

[-] essteeyou@lemmy.world 4 points 5 days ago

Can you smell them on the floor if you're standing up? How close do you have to be?

[-] essteeyou@lemmy.world 31 points 5 days ago

Some people wipe standing up...

[-] essteeyou@lemmy.world 2 points 5 days ago

Is that petrichor, or is that after rain?

[-] essteeyou@lemmy.world 11 points 1 week ago

When a company of his does bad it's his fault, when one does good it's other people's fault?

The guy's a fucking prick, don't get me wrong.

Taskmaster's Birthday (taskmastersbirthday.com)

Several months ago there was a QR code on an episode that led to the linked website.

Today's finally the day it says yes!

submitted 3 months ago by essteeyou@lemmy.world to c/fishing@lemmy.world

I used to fish a little bit as a child with my great-grandfather's incredibly heavy rod. I stopped fishing as I got older and then picked it up a little bit back in September.

I've been fishing for around 6 days (several of them were full 8-hour days) and I finally caught a fish this morning!

I'm so glad to know I'm not doing it all wrong.

submitted 6 months ago by essteeyou@lemmy.world to c/taskmaster@feddit.uk
submitted 7 months ago by essteeyou@lemmy.world to c/taskmaster@feddit.uk

I haven't looked up when Greg's actual birthday is...

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