In US. Have Fairphone (thanks eBay).
I was just going to say, who has the energy to sort them into bins?
Marxist-Lenninists /Authoritarian Communists / Stalinists
Worked for a second before it threw me an error.
On the topic of saving and being frugal, here's a great resource to repair so many practical things.
Maybe not space, but water.
From 2003-2005, the average water use for golf course irrigation in the U.S. was estimated to be 2,312,701 acrefeet per year. That equates to approximately 2.08 billion gallons of water per day for golf course irrigation in the U.S.
Looks delicious!
Nope, because then it's something he can't help. He's lying through his teeth as usual.
“Pixels are simply a means to measure the effectiveness of College Board advertising,” the spokesperson said. “If a student uses the college search tool on, the student can add a GPA and SAT score range to the search filters. Those values are passed in the pixel, not because we configured the pixel that way but because that’s how the pixel works.”
I still don't understand how ~~bribery~~ lobbying is legal.