
joined 2 years ago
[–] eluvinar@szmer.info 18 points 1 day ago

It's funny, because sponsorblock and vanced only exist because of youtube's greed. And now I can't imagine using their service without them, even if they rollback the annoying ads. And they can't implement them. It's really the problem they made for themselves.

[–] eluvinar@szmer.info 3 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

like others have pointed out, this makes automatic detection easier not harder if true. Just cut the segments that move around, audio analysis and even transcripts (they don't have to be good! just good enough to identify missing segment!) are pretty mature.

[–] eluvinar@szmer.info 42 points 1 month ago (4 children)

that's why we don't have couches or tables outside of USA. You just can't go buy them and there's no very easy and practical way around it.

[–] eluvinar@szmer.info 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (6 children)

It's somewhat based in reality, isn't it? I'm still gaming in my late 30s and most people I get to play with are on average 10-15 years younger than me. People leave the hobby with time, en masse, and almost no one my age seems to be joining. There are some games that let you ignore that more (single player, matchmaking. Although even in single player, what's the point of gaming, if you don't get to discuss it with most of your friends), but some are really difficult to continue playing (coop :().

[–] eluvinar@szmer.info 4 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (1 children)

And aren't magic. Switching fully to renewables is probably both impossible (still require non-renewable materials to make) and requires lowering of living standards (unless you want to build a dyson swarm you need to stop growing your energy use, which pretty much means recession, because our economy is energy driven - and if you need a different economic system for a technological solution to work it's not really a technological solution, is it. Also renewables are still pretty annoying when it comes to matching your output to your supply, and not being able to turn your AC whenever you feel like it is already a lowering of living standard for the richest countries).

And while we wait for them to "solve" the problem, we're already likely past 1.5°C, even if we just stick to not starving, having water to drink, and not freezing during winters from tomorrow.

[–] eluvinar@szmer.info 2 points 3 months ago

I don't think that's how it works. Plastic degrades fast (especially with UV radiation), it just doesn't fully go away. That's how we get microplastic and harmful chemicals everywhere.

[–] eluvinar@szmer.info -1 points 3 months ago

good thing no historic monuments/items were destroyed and your comment is completely off topic.

[–] eluvinar@szmer.info 11 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (7 children)

this is good, but I think we should build our own (illegal) stonehenge. Or maybe a pyramid. Not only it'd be nice to have something other than microplastic standing after the society collapse, it'd be a huge powerplay. As we seem to be wanting to join earlier civilizations that are no longer here (nor remembered that fondly) it seems only adequate.

My geographic area doesn't really have stone available, best I can do is a mound :(

[–] eluvinar@szmer.info 15 points 3 months ago

And when you report it to the platform the moderators won't see anything that goes against said platform's code of conduct.

[–] eluvinar@szmer.info 2 points 4 months ago

Policjantów rozumiem, że się czują bezkarni, ale jaki interes mają tam być strażacy?

[–] eluvinar@szmer.info 7 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (2 children)

At the scale youtube does things it doesn't really cost them much. They actually have the servers, the bandwidth, often the power. It's not like they get to sell a server if enough people leave. The savings probably do not even justify the effort (=cost) to unplug the server. And they still get many other benefits of having you as a user (getting to profile you, getting to push propaganda, getting to sell your information, maybe you send videos to friends who don't use adblock, maybe you buy merch from creators making creators happier on their platform).

On the other hand this enshittification is ruining their monopoly, other areas of business (if you don't need youtube, maybe you don't need a chromecast? If you don't need a chromecast, would you buy pixel phone, that can only do chromecast if samsung can do hdmi? Maybe you're done with android? And if you're on iphone, are you still using google maps, photos, search, keep etc?) and curing people who are addicted to the platform.

The eventual consequence of enshittification is always platform death. Which would be amazing, sadly the next platform is going to repeat the cycle.

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