[-] chiisana@lemmy.chiisana.net 0 points 23 hours ago

Yeah… you’re the one asking questions. I’ve not asked any.

Good luck with your life.

[-] chiisana@lemmy.chiisana.net 8 points 23 hours ago

I’m not taking sides. I’m saying I don’t hear the similarities and there’s stats supporting it. That’s all. That’s what I said earlier. No need to take sides.

[-] chiisana@lemmy.chiisana.net 10 points 1 day ago

From the article itself:

The researchers found that Sky was also reminiscent of other Hollywood stars, including Anne Hathaway and Keri Russell. The analysis of Sky often rated Hathaway and Russell as being even more similar to the AI than Johansson.

I’ve watched Her many years back, and I’ve been following a lot of Johansson’s work in the MCU franchise; I don’t hear her in Sky beyond both voices being similarly aged “female” (can’t really assume the gender of the AI model) voices.

If there are statistical analyses that says otherwise, and aligns with at least some anecdotal evidence, then it isn't “very obvious”.

Also, people calling out dissimilarities from their anecdotal observations, along with statistical evidence against your personal view doesn’t equate to siding with the company, or against some popular celebrity; but rather, simply calling out their observations. This is just a discussion as to whether or not the voice is similar, try not to get too personally attached to either parties.

[-] chiisana@lemmy.chiisana.net 5 points 1 day ago

It’s entirely possible that they’re doing AB testing. Was more of a curiosity thing and didn’t mean to come off accusatory, sorry if it did!

[-] chiisana@lemmy.chiisana.net 12 points 1 day ago

Editorialized title for Lemmy or AB testing? I’m seeing this for title instead:

Apple's AI plans involves 'black box' for cloud data

[-] chiisana@lemmy.chiisana.net 4 points 3 days ago

Shodan also has a lot of fun searches.

[-] chiisana@lemmy.chiisana.net 10 points 3 days ago

They have all the info, so this shouldn’t even be necessary. They should be able to just send me a tax bill/refund with the break down automatically. If I want to dispute it, then I’d have to pay the big bucks to get fancy accountants to dispute. Otherwise it should just be one less thing vast majority of the people would ever have to worry about.

[-] chiisana@lemmy.chiisana.net 29 points 3 days ago

So just because they don’t know technology like you do, they should be left behind the times instead of taking advantage of advancements? A bit elitist and gate keeping there, don’t you think?

Everyone have their own choices to make, and for most, they’ve already decided they’d rather benefit from advancements than care about what you care about.

[-] chiisana@lemmy.chiisana.net 4 points 3 days ago

After DarkSky buy out, and Apple integrating the data source into their own feed (available to developers under WeatherKit ), I haven’t found the need for other weather apps, as the default one offered everything I needed (weather condition, temperature, and air quality forecast). Aside from a quirky attitude, what else do I get with something like CARROT that the default doesn’t offer?

[-] chiisana@lemmy.chiisana.net 90 points 3 days ago

And here’s the reason why layman should not: they’re much more likely to make that one wrong move and suffer irrecoverable data loss than some faceless corporation selling their data.

At the end of the day, those of us who are technical enough will take the risk and learn, but for vast majority of the people, it is and will continue to remain as a non starter for the foreseeable future.

[-] chiisana@lemmy.chiisana.net 2 points 4 days ago

The amount of people who would pay is going to be near zero in the grand scheme of things.

Next time you’re anywhere where you could discretely look at people’s phones, see how many of them run apps with ads. Most apps will offer very cheap IAP to remove ads, but people choose to not pay it. Vast majority of the users have already decided that their time wasted on ads are worth less than whatever tiny monetary cost it would be to remove them. Same thing here: Vast majority of the users have already decided they’re not going to pay to get rid of the ads. This in turn means due to how few people who would be willing to pay, it is not going to be nearly sufficient to keep the infrastructure required up and running, as well as keep the creators compensated for creating the content.


Due to the decentralized nature, and multiple communities on same subject exist across multiple instances, it is not uncommon for people to be subscribed to multiple communities of the same subject. It is also not uncommon for people to submit the same thing to multiple communities of the same subject, thereby resulting in multiple posts of the same content appearing in the feed. Cross post or not, the duplicated content clutter the feed, making it more difficult to consume content quickly.

I think it would be helpful to declutter by hiding/collapsing these posts. A possible implementation could be to keep an index of post titles, author, and submission time; then hide/collapse (cross)posts with same title, submitted by the same author, within some time interval (say for example +/- 1hr). That way the feed wouldn’t be as cluttered.

I understand cross referencing each post against other known posts is an exponentially large task, and could be very resources consuming, so even with the time range filter, it would be prudent to make this an option and likely disable by default to prevent performance issues.

It may be nice to inform the user on the post itself that there are other similar discussions, if they’re interested for other comments/interactions, but that’d be a nice to have in the future kind of thing.


I have too many machines floating around, some virtual, some physical, and they're getting added and removed semi-frequently as I play around with different tools/try out ideas. One recurring pain point is I have no easy way to manage SSH keys around them, and it's a pain to deal with adding/removing/cycling keys. I know I can use AuthorizedKeysCommand on sshd_config to make the system fetch a remote key for validation, I know I could theoretically publish my pub key to github or alike, but I'm wondering if there's something more flexible/powerful where I can manage multiple users (essentially roles) such that each machine can be assigned a role and automatically allow access accordingly?

I've seen Keyper before, but the container haven't been updated for years, and the support discord owner actively kicks everyone from the server, even after asking questions.

Is there any other solution out there that would streamline this process a bit?


Figured I’d share my finding here…

I got the notification for iOS 16.5.1(c) rapid security response today. Despite hearing about it breaking some sites forcing Apple to pull the update a couple weeks back from a podcast (I want to say ATP but I can’t find it in the show notes so I can’t link to the episode), I decided to install it anyway. After installing and restarting the phone, I found almost nothing works. My games spins forever, all web browsers never loads any website, but surprisingly, iMessages were flowing through.

I poked around a bit, turning wifi off and on again, using cellular data only, toggle between roaming network, etc. and nothing worked. Then I noticed the little VPN icon that flashes by so I went and disabled AdGuard VPN and things seems to work again.

Originally I uninstalled the rapid security patch, and things worked again, but then I realized I’d rather put up with some ads than deal with whatever security ramifications not having the patch would cause. Bearing in mind: the intent of these rapid security patches is that Apple thinks these patches are of utmost urgency (I.E. security issue that’s actively exploited in the wild) and they don’t want to slow people down with a big iOS upgrade, so they release and apply these patches quickly. I ended up reinstalling the patch, and turned off my AdGuard in the mean time. Hopefully AdGuard catches up and release a fix next version or two.

Anyway figured I’d drop the note here in case if anyone else is searching on their Mac trying to figure out why their iPhone isn’t working after that patch.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by chiisana@lemmy.chiisana.net to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world


First thing first, I'm new to the whole Fediverse, and Lemmy thing, so please don't hesitate to point out any problems you're foreseeing.

Secondly, I'm by no means saying this is the ideal implementation, something something see above. Please don't hesitate to make recommendations for improvements.

Lastly, I'm not sure if it is completely working. I'm still noticing a few issues that I will document and monitor towards the end of the post. If you know of the cause or how to debug further, please do let me know!

Notes and Assumptions:

  1. I am using an ARM server. So I'm using ARM images, you will need to make sure you're using the correct architecture image.
  2. I assume you have Traefik up and running in a separate network. I used docker compose to bring traefik up, minimal configurations, and I'm just hijacking the default network there (project folder was gateway so the complete network name is gateway_default)... there's probably better ways to do this.
  3. On note of networks, I really don't like the fact that the default postgres was left wide open on the lemmyexternalproxy network. I think I've locked my down, but you may wish to double check my work.
  4. I'm not sure if what I am doing with the hostnames are correct, but it seems to work for the most part, so I'm not complaining. If there is a better way, please do advise!
  5. I used an override file for docker compose to apply extra settings. This allows me to keep the original docker-compose.yml untouched, and I can just pull in new changes (theoretically).
  6. Since I'm using traefik, I don't need nginx running doing nothing. I replaced it with a light weight alpine image that just shuts down successfully, so it doesn't use resources.

Without further delays, here's my files:


version: "3.3"

    internal: true
    name: gateway_default
    external: true

    image: dessalines/lemmy:0.17-linux-arm64
      - "traefik.enable=true"
      - "traefik.http.routers.lemmy.entrypoints=websecure"
      - "traefik.http.routers.lemmy.rule=Host(`lemmy.chiisana.net`) && HeadersRegexp(`Accept`, `^application/`) || Host(`lemmy.chiisana.net`) && Method(`POST`) || Host(`lemmy.chiisana.net`) && PathPrefix(`/{path:(api|pictrs|feeds|nodeinfo|.well-known)}`)"
      - "traefik.http.routers.lemmy.tls=true"
      - "traefik.http.services.lemmy-svc.loadbalancer.server.port=8536"
      - "traefik.docker.network=gateway_default"
      - lemmygateway
    image: dessalines/lemmy-ui:0.17-linux-arm64
      - LEMMY_UI_HOST=
      - LEMMY_UI_LEMMY_EXTERNAL_HOST=lemmy.chiisana.net
      - LEMMY_UI_HTTPS=true
      - LEMMY_UI_DEBUG=false
      - "traefik.enable=true"
      - "traefik.http.routers.lemmy-ui.entrypoints=websecure"
      - "traefik.http.routers.lemmy-ui.rule=Host(`lemmy.chiisana.net`)"
      - "traefik.http.routers.lemmy-ui.tls=true"
      - "traefik.http.services.lemmy-ui-svc.loadbalancer.server.port=1234"
      - "traefik.docker.network=gateway_default"
      - lemmygateway
    image: alpine:latest
    command: "true"
    entrypoint: "true"
    restart: "no"
    image: asonix/pictrs:0.4.0-rc.3


  setup: {
    admin_username: "chiisana"
    admin_password: "password-redacted-duh"
    site_name: "chiisana lemmy site"
  database: {
    host: "postgres"
    user: "lemmy"
    password: "password-redacted-duh"
    database: "lemmy"
  email: {
    smtp_server: "smtp.mailgun.org:587"
    smtp_login: "lemmy@chiisana.net"
    smtp_password: "password-redacted-duh"
    smtp_from_address: "lemmy@chiisana.net"
    tls_type: "tls"
  pictrs: {
    url: "http://pictrs:8080/"
    api_key: "API_KEY"
  hostname: "lemmy.chiisana.net"
  bind: ""
  port: 8536
  tls_enabled: true

Known issue(s)?

  1. ~~I have my registration disabled as the instance is supposed to be just for my own auth not be depended on other instances. In my /admin section, I'm seeing a ton of users from endlesstalk.org pop up as banned users. I have no idea what that is about, as endlesstalk.org seems to also be used only by one user. I'll be monitoring this and see what's to come of it.~~ Edit: Looks like this is just the way the system is designed, and not a configuration error on my part! All good here. Thanks for clarifying it @lemmy@endlesstalk.org !
  2. I'm not sure if I'm getting all the messages federated. In this community, for example, I can see most if not all recent threads. However, most threads have no comments in it. Some newer threads, I see comments, but it seems to be incomplete. I'm not sure if I'm only supposed to receive new messages, or if something else is happening. I'll be monitoring this, and hoping the federation will just catch up over time.
  3. Edit: It would appear this post itself is not federating to !selfhosted@lemmy.world for some reason... I'm partially hoping it is just caught in some kind of moderation queue, but seeing other posts made after this appear on the list leads me to believe there's still something amiss.

If you encounter any other issue, please do post back so we can try to debug it together. Hope this helps someone!

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joined 11 months ago