[-] chemical_cutthroat@lemmy.world 64 points 11 hours ago

There is one dude with a Windows 8 laptop that turns it on once per month just to take this survey.

[-] chemical_cutthroat@lemmy.world 4 points 16 hours ago

Lmao, I was so busy looking at the can art for a logo I never even looked at the glass.

[-] chemical_cutthroat@lemmy.world 3 points 17 hours ago

Peanut butter stouts are some of the most disgusting, vile, sacrilegious beers on the planet. We should be boycotting them. What is the name of the brewery that created this filth? Specifically, what brewery? And do they distribute to Oregon? I'll buy them all so no one else has to suffer their creamy sins.

Good thing he is sitting underneath the Pepto Bismol tree.

That's because the 2024 model will lose 80% of its value after the first year.

When McConnell bites it, I'm walking out of the kitchen at work and into the bar and buying everyone a round, along with myself. That will truly be a day of celebration.

[-] chemical_cutthroat@lemmy.world 16 points 2 days ago

This is a psychic blumpkin. I am metaphysically shitting and orgasming at the same time. I feel so cleansed.

Is that a euphemism for vigorously masturbating? Because I am.

[-] chemical_cutthroat@lemmy.world 53 points 2 days ago

I have never read a headline that connected with me on such a deeply visceral level.


There is Paul Graham saying exactly the opposite.

Arguments can be made that Altman is making threats behind the scenes and forcing people to say nice things about him under duress, but 700 people from OpenAI signed a petition to bring him back as CEO, and only 3 wanted him gone. 700 people is a lot to quietly threaten, and none of them have come out to Toner's defense as she continues on her crusade.

I'm sure Altman has his own list of sins, everyone does, but I really think that he, and OpenAI by association, are constantly under attack in our new era of corporate warfare. You no longer need to sabotage the actual company, you just have to poison the well so that funding and potential employee base dries up, which is exactly what is happening with the constant stream of attacks against OpenAI. AI is the first quadrillion dollar industry, and OpenAI is the leader. It's not just companies that want a piece, its entire countries. Look at how the US has to deal with election interference and then look at what goes on against OpenAI. You'll see the patterns.

[-] chemical_cutthroat@lemmy.world 76 points 3 days ago

This is up there with the cat filter video for funniest shit I've ever seen. This is some 30 Rock level comedy writing. Holy shit.


Think about all of the things he has seen, all of the worlds he has explored, all of the green women he has slept with, and when he is faced with death, it shocks even him, to the extent that all he can say is, "Oh, my." I'm not sure how popular this scene is among the Star Trek Zeitgeist, but I imagine it's probably hated. I, however, love it. Feel free to tell me how I'm wrong in the comments.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by chemical_cutthroat@lemmy.world to c/linux_gaming@lemmy.world

I have a Steam Deck, and I love it. It can handle 90% of my library, and it's always improving.

I decided to try out a linux distro for my OS, because the biggest drawback has always been the hoops that I had to jump through to get games up and running. I went for Pop OS, since that seemed to be natively friendly with NVidia, and the lowest barrier for entry. However, in Steam, I see that there is a much more limited selection of games compatible with my system. Is there a way around that, to get the same selection as my Steam Deck? Or is it this way because the Steam Deck is a singular platform that is developed for based on specific architecture?


"It's time we grow up," says former moderator of jailbait subreddit.

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