maybe try to discuss without being toxic? I do never excuse any genocide.
I don't deny anything? I am looking for information. What about you?
Care to provide a link or smth?
I appreciate your attempt to bring rationality and reason to the discussion, but you're wasting your time on this shithole.
yeah, I realized this half way through typing but wanted to finish this anyway.
Habe das Interview durch Gabor Steingart mit ihm gehört.
Absolut unsympathisch. Baut sein Unternehmen zu 100% von den Fossilen abhängig auf inkl. eigener Stromerzeugung mittels Gas und macht dann überraschtes Pickachu Face wenn seine Kosten steigen, weil Gas teuer. Seiner Meinung nach sollten die Ukrainer sofort aufgeben und die Foltergefängnisse gefälligst in Kauf nehmen. Arschloch.
what's the left?
well then you know you got to rock the block, and fucking suck my fucking cock
Neutralität wird es niemals geben. Du glaubst doch nicht, dass das Säbelrasseln Russlands dann aufhört?
Cars built out of stolen knowledge
Genuinely interested. Can you provide some context on this?
I don't want to justify, all I am looking for is a discussion. I could not provide a solution either and I do not support war. All I am saying is that I don't know what to expect from a country to do.
I do not excuse killing of civilians or even genocide and personally think that Israel should take more care about civilians which is even in alignment with the statement of Mr. Blinken. Also they may rightfully be criticized in relation to blocking humanitarian aid to Gaza.
All I do say is that unbased information is hard to come by at this stage as the information sphere from inside Gaza is mostly controlled by Hamas. Israel surely is no unbiased source of news either, but international press has more access there. Again I do not neglect nor justify killing civilians and especially children. But still it should be distinguished between actual genocide which includes intentionally deporting and killing civilians and collateral damage, both of which are to condemn, as are the actions of Hamas relating to raiding and terrorizing Israel civilians and taking them hostage. This is no way of deescalation obviously either.