Und (lassen) Beweismittel verschwinden!
He should've played CS with both hands
"Up-to-date" is quite unfitting for ~17-18 years :P
Weil das ja klar ist!
Most Windows Programs running with root access is like, I don't know... Windows XP era maybe?
is the history of the values available after restart? like the graphs shown when you click a sensor entity?
Atomkraftfans wollen einfach nicht kapieren dass Atomkraft die teuerste Art der Stromerzeugung ist. ErNeUeRbaEe sInD So tEUeR...
In den Präsentationen von NuScale sah alles zunächst nach einer strahlenden Zukunft aus.
Genial :D
recorder is enabled by default. however, when you are using docker it might be possible that the default file data base (it's folder) is not mapped to a persistent location outside the container (resp. in the host file system).
however, I really do not know much about all this docker related stuff. my recorder suggestion was just a shot into the blue. if I would be facing this problem I might just try to set up a relational data base like MySQL or PostgreSQL as a target for the recorder.
Wer baut denn das aber auch so bescheuert da hin?
Restoring the states depends on the recorder. What are your settings regarding the recorder?
Edit: reference https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/recorder/
Erscheint mir auch unplausibel. Alleinerziehend spielt da tatsächlich keine Rolle.