
joined 2 years ago
[–] 7 points 7 months ago

@thenewred @jesterkun It's journalistic malpractice for the op-ed to not link to the text.

Here's the summary:
Here's the raw amendment:

Basically, it takes district-drawing power away from elected officials, giving it to a panel of 15 people screened by a bipartisan panel of retired judges. Then there's a whole lot of detail on how to draw maps and ensure that it's valid.

[–] 4 points 10 months ago

@krolden @halcyondays Your "pretty sure" is correct; see PDF page 48 of under Section 3780.35.

But I can find nothing in the text of the law about fees of $180,000 for application for any of the licenses described in the law. Where did you get that figure from?

[–] 4 points 10 months ago

@krolden @Deconceptualist The failed 2015 initiative in would have granted an actual monopoly to 10 facilities to grow #marijuana,_Marijuana_Legalization_Initiative_(2015)#Marijuana_Growth.2C_Cultivation_and_Extraction_.28MGCE.29_facilities — actively shutting out existing businesses

The successful 2023 initiative does not grant any monopolies:,_Marijuana_Legalization_Initiative_(2023)#Text_of_measure — it sets up an open licensing scheme where anyone can apply to grow and sell, and it sets up jobs and equity funds to give money back to #Ohio communities.


Based on the last few weeks, it looks like fewer people use the hashtag #ColumbusOH compared to #Columbus, even though that drags in stuff about #Georgia and mentions of the Italian. @ohio

[–] 32 points 1 year ago

@BoneALisa @butter Oh, you should vote more! There's all sorts of fun things on the ballot this fall. We've got marijuana legalization and abortion rights as ballot issues, plus school boards and municipal governments.,_2023

If you're in Columbus, there's an option to unseat Mayor Ginther and parts of City Council:,_Ohio_(2023),_Ohio_(2023)