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[-] 8 points 17 hours ago

What’s with the “z” in “Beanz”? Usually, an improperly-spelled food word betrays all sorts of fake shit. For example, wyngz.

[-] -1 points 1 day ago

Ah yes because debating Trump exposes him to people so well

[-] 8 points 1 day ago

see more Trump flags everyday(and literally not a Biden Flag anywhere

Maybe because Biden voters aren’t in a FUCKING CULT?

[-] 7 points 1 day ago

Smashing Pumpkins. I hear their intros and guitars and I’m like “oh cool”, then in comes that screeching loser Billy Corgan, his voice the sound of a thousand fingernails on a thousand blackboards.

[-] 4 points 2 days ago

Reliable ✔️ Fast ✔️ Cheap to own ✔️ Convenient ✔️

The only thing I’ve done is put new tires on it when necessary. By any measure that’s a good car.

[-] 5 points 2 days ago

I think they’d want to arm the zygote

[-] 2 points 2 days ago

He didn’t say she has a cybertruck, Jesus Christ guys. I have a Tesla model 3 that I fucking love. It’s a great car. Yes, Elon sucks and I now feel like a bit of a chud driving it around, but objectively it is a good vehicle by any measure.

[-] 5 points 1 week ago

That fuckface ruined so many words forever: tremendous, fantastic, huge, glorious, trump (the lower-case verb)

[-] 10 points 1 week ago

And sign this NDA and I keep 95% since it was my idea!

So which is it? (
[-] 4 points 2 weeks ago

As I learned from the “It’s Always Sunny” podcast (RIP): it’s a wig. It’s always a wig.

[-] 4 points 2 weeks ago

And so I said, “get me out of these wet clothes and into a dry marbeeni!”

Aggressive pharmacy rule (
Forced Arbitration Rule (
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/
submitted 6 months ago by to c/

Anybody else notice this? When I load a post or its picture, there’s no indication that the post has been read. For the record, I view in compact mode.


Siri was introduced and integrated into iOS and macOS over ten years ago. In that time, little has changed about it. There are articles from 2016 complaining about how far it was behind Google and Cortana (RIP).

In the meantime, LLMs have changed the game when it comes to language understanding, context, and ability to execute based on natural language instruction. All the tools are here: Speech-to-text through libraries like Whisper, and of course the LLMs themselves which interpret language and context to a revolutionary degree. Text-to-speech is already solved.

So, ignoring the "AI hype" and seeing what these tools actually are and can do, it naturally fits that a better personal assistant could be created by combining these pieces and leveraging the existing iOS and macOS APIs to improve Siri's functionality by an order of magnitude, or more.

Apple remains the only big tech company not publicly diving head-first into the LLM race, but it's relatively well-known that they're developing one internally. As that was reported last July right around WWDC 2023, it was obviously not ready for an announcement. Besides, that one was all about Vision Pro anyway.

So, that point, coupled with the fact that Apple tends to be last on the trend train but offer a more polished experience, would make WWDC 2024 the perfect time to reveal an "all new" or revamped Siri which could run locally on, say, newer iOS devices or Macs with Apple Silicon. I use SuperWhisper on my M2 MacBook Air and it works amazingly well. It would also be a good carrot to get people to upgrade their phones, iPads, and Macs. Besides, what else would be important at WWDC next year? I don't see much else on the horizon, other than the real launch of Vision Pro.

Anyhoo, my random unsubstantiated thoughts. Talk among yourselves.

Talk Gooder (
submitted 7 months ago by to c/
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