
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 1 day ago

More like opening his big stupid mouth to opine on Russia / Ukraine, or Palestine / Israel, or European civil war or other such examples would be.

[–] 58 points 2 days ago (2 children)

I'm also noticing a lack of Elon Musk assassination attempts.

[–] 2 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

A game that was released last year has absolutely zero knowledge of this 8k PS5 so it's not going to magically render at 8k or 40% improvement. Some might get a framerate bump if frame sync can be turned off - the game might have been GPU bound and therefore with a better GPU it yields a better framerate. Sometimes. And AI upscaling might give a pseudo > 4k effect but it's not really true 8k.

A handful of games might get patched to avail of the improved rendering capabilities when they detect PS5 Pro. Minimal stuff really. Maybe the config file will improve draw distance or turn on certain effects like raytraced shadows / reflections when it knows the console can handle it.

Hardly seems worth the vast additional expense especially if somebody already owns a PS5 though. Moreso because Sony are trying to stiff people into buying the cheaper "digital" version which basically means any physical collection won't work with it.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

Republicans only have themselves to blame for throwing their weight behind a narcississt crook rapist who is losing his marbles and his entourage of more crooks and enablers. Imagine how much they might have accomplished if their candidate was competent and surrounded by competent people.

[–] 9 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Nvidia is worth 42bn USD and employs 30,000 people.

Nvidia's has a market cap 30x of Intel's. So it could issue more stock to raise capital for a buyout. It's not the company equity but the market cap that it needs to have money to purchase. Even a controlling stake of > 50% would give them defacto control. Of course governments & regulators would probably block it or force Nvidia to divest bits of itself, and that's probably the greatest protection Intel has against such a scenario.

But if Intel weakens further, it may well be someone else tries to acquire it. I bet a lot of companies would love to snaffle it up. It's kind of ironic that Intel used to be the big dog in the semiconductor space but even AMD is bigger than it these days and are potentially many others who'd like buy it out. In fact, for all we know Intel might be shedding all these jobs to make it look more attractive to potential buyers.

[–] 54 points 1 month ago (3 children)

The US and Europe has become acutely aware that too much semi-conductor manufacturing has been outsourced to China and other Asian nations and they're trying to build some back domestically. So that's the geopolitical reason for it.

[–] 9 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (5 children)

How long before Nvdia buys them, or at least tries to. Nvidia tried to buy Arm but got stopped by the UK government.

[–] 0 points 1 month ago

So in my mind extremism is bad either way you go and it is not something that anyone should brush off and say “these left wing extremists are fine” because reality never works out that way. Extremism is monstrous either way.

I suspect "true" Communism is something you'll only find on the pages of a book. Because in reality it goes from being a revolution, to a party, to cliques, to a power struggle, to a purge, to a dictator. And people get shot, tortured, beaten and sent to death camps every step of the way.

[–] 0 points 1 month ago (1 children)

The point I'm making, which I think is obvious and demonstrable, is extreme left aren't just do-gooders while the extreme right are evil. It's hard to think of any communist / marxist-leninist / whatever revolutions that weren't followed by purges, gulags, education camps, progroms or what have you. In some cases, the body count was in the millions, e.g. Pol Pot.

So in my mind extremism is bad either way you go and it is not something that anyone should brush off and say "these left wing extremists are fine" because reality never works out that way. Extremism is monstrous either way.

[–] 13 points 1 month ago (37 children)

I think people who've enjoyed years under communist governments might disagree a little about the comparison here.

[–] 41 points 1 month ago (7 children)

They need to do what BBC comedy show did one week when a politician guest didn't turn up and replace him with tub of lard.

[–] 8 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (2 children)

It's definitely a lot slower. I remember working there and at lunchtime they'd be working the grills 24 down - basically double the usual capacity and that stuff was wrapped and put into the racks constantly. They'd try and make burgers to meet demand with a holding time by which the burger should be sold by or thrown into a red bin. Usually it worked fine and waste was minimal but I assume some beancounter thinks that system and red bin waste costs McDonalds more money than it does to waste 5-10 minutes of somebody's lunch break. If people get pissed off by the wait though they might consider going somewhere else - after all, if they're going to wait, why not in a place where something more substantial than a burger is being prepared.

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