
joined 1 year ago
[–] 9 points 3 days ago

If by economy you mean some of us are needed to mop up hydraulic ass-juices at gunpoint I suppose you're technically correct. At least they have to feed us, right?


[–] 4 points 1 week ago

The fuckwit is a danger to everyone.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

At least that'll correct itself when all the fish are dead, right?


[–] 4 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Mint is on the other hand the most popular in the world

[–] 5 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

If you meet dicks everywhere you post maybe you should reflect a bit on why that might be. Just a suggestion.

[–] 1 points 3 weeks ago

No. Do you have a serious case of anger management issues? You sure sound like it.

"I truly don't want to.." yeah I bet you really don't want to.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (5 children)

Here's an idea - try some empathy instead of whatever this "it sure shifted me to a conservative direction.." bullshit is.

It's not really all that believable that any normal person would behave like you say you did, but in case you're actually serious I feel sorry for your child. Nobody deserves shit like that from their own parents.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Slaps are what my mother gave me. My father wouldn't bother with something like simple slaps.

There's never any reason to hurt your own children. Not one. Parents are supposed to protect their children.

[–] 8 points 1 month ago (3 children)

The only thing my ultra-conservative father and grandfather managed to do to me was to never ever let them anywhere near their grandchildren.

I also might've let my father know how it feels to get thrown through a bookshelf by someone a lot stronger when I got old enough to do so. Suddenly he was a lot less enthusiastic about physical violence. I wonder why. He still managed to fuck up my spine for life when he did the same to me - when I was 12. Took me 6 years and a lot of physio but he'll never hurt anyone else ever again.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

It does, but if you really want to and have the time all but extremely expensive gun safes are not guaranteed to be all that hard to get into.

I've personally lockpicked my way into one that is deemed safe enough for civilian weapons in my country (as a demonstration to its owner, for the record).

[–] 2 points 2 months ago

A lot has certainly happened since then, if nothing else. It's not like her campaign was very smartly done on almost any level. It sucks, because the end result could have been so much better than what you got instead.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

This is almost 20 years ago today, so my memory is a bit hazy, but basically each student had an account with a certain amount of server space. I can't remember the size, but given the amount of digital files we produced it would've been at minimum 500GB+/student. We could also "see" the account folder for everyone else in our class for file sharing and stuff.

There were also accounts/folders for each teacher which were used to turn in the primary copy of whatever assignment we had done if it was in digital form. Physical art were scanned or photographed also, as a sort of backup. We were also required to back every project up via USB sticks, ofc.

There was also a rack with individual docks for each digital camera that they had which allowed us to get our photographs transferred to our own folders. Since we could access those files from our accounts it also was a part of that server system.

There were also several networked and customised Macs used for single tasks, like larger printing projects and also for an airgapped paintgun for a lack of a better description. We avoided having to wear masks when we printed large sheets in single colours with it, for example. I have no idea what software that thing used, I think I used it like once or twice.

Now, I'll freely admit that I haven't touched a Mac since I left that school, and I've never had any interest in them whatsoever, so I don't know what they used or if it even exists anymore. Someone with more knowhow maybe does?

I do remember them specifically (proudly) telling us it all ran on Macs, otherwise I probably wouldn't have any reason to believe so. The "server room" was basically what looked like a glorified closet with a rack and a couple of Macs that didn't look like the ones we students used. This was just before the all-in-one models were introduced, iirc.

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