So you can sue that moose for damages when it jumps in front of your car.
He should be given all the time he needs to truly realize that... In an italian jail.
Nisu loše ideje, hvala puno na raznim preporukama, preneo sam društvu sve pa se sad dogovaramo. Možda bi i najbolje bilo nešto preko bukinga.
Just by taking a glance at this list I can see I already have at least 80% of the games, if not 90%. I've been looking through the Steam shop and there just aren't many good deals this year, that haven't already been on a steep discount.
There's a bot I've been seeing these past couple of days that is constantly reposting posts with the title cut off in half. Like, it'd just cut it off mid sentence and replace the rest with three dots. I think it's called
The only thing we can do is wait and see. It's only three days from now. My personal belief is that there is definitely going to be an influx of new users, but that number won't be too big or unmanageable.
Koristim PopOS na laptopu, mada sam ga jedan duži period koristio i na računaru. Ti?
Zar je toliko očigledno?
The entire game is basically exploring dungeons and killing dragons.
Ovo je odličan tldr za celu situaciju.
Nema svrhe predviđati i nagađati šta bi moglo da se desi u budućnosti, svakako ne znamo kakav dogovor je postignut. Međutim, neko moje lično mišljenje je, čak i ako je sve ovo bilo inscenirano (u šta sumnjam), da se Rusiji crno piše i da postoji velika mogućnost da oni izgube rat u Ukrajini.
Iz svega ovoga se može jedino zaključiti da se Putin itekako boji i za svoj položaj i za svoj život.
(it seems like my previous reply hasn't been posted)
It really depends on what you're trying to achieve. If you're just trying to install a web server, then I'd recommend downloading XAMPP if you're on Windows, or if you're on Linux, you probably already have apache or nginx. To access services on those servers you're just going to have to find out the IP address of the server, and type it out in the browser (f.e. Those services should be available only on the same local network the server is on, unless you do port forwarding.
You could probably buy another cheap router and connect it to the first one using an ethernet cable. Set the second router to access point mode, and disable wifi on the first router (some routers have a physical button for that). You'll be able to connect only to the second router using wifi, but still use the first router with a physical connection.