[-] Zink@programming.dev 15 points 3 hours ago

Well now that you’ve said that out loud, I could see conservatives being all over finding reasons to disqualify representation from blue states. (By which I mean make up reasons that sound good to a base that doesn’t think good)

[-] Zink@programming.dev 10 points 3 hours ago

Hear, hear!

It’s always great to see some part of humanity pushing towards those utopian Star Trek society ideals.

[-] Zink@programming.dev 4 points 4 hours ago

This image could totally have some kind of ethereal Jesus-like figure floating above them with its arms out ready to embrace them, with a big BLM pasted on its forehead.

[-] Zink@programming.dev 1 points 4 hours ago

I remember being so psyched about the original Serious Sam that I pirated a copy to play right away, and then bought a boxed copy as soon as I saw it in Best Buy.

Hype confirmed!

[-] Zink@programming.dev 4 points 22 hours ago

I love this image, and this was one of my favorite numbers in science too. Sometimes I think it’s more difficult to imagine how insanely small the atomic scale is than how insanely large the cosmic scale is.

[-] Zink@programming.dev 4 points 22 hours ago

That was my takeaway too. I knew Ebola was a big long shape, so it didn’t stand out much, but then “ohhh of course rabies just randomly looks like invisible nano bullets!”

[-] Zink@programming.dev 3 points 23 hours ago

Yeah, but I think the admiration they get from countless others is an even bigger problem. It’s as if they are the pinnacle of what a human can be. Because… money?

[-] Zink@programming.dev 18 points 1 day ago

Oh you mean the Serious Sam series? Tons of fun!

[-] Zink@programming.dev 2 points 1 day ago

See now THAT part was metaphorical unlike the literal treatment I gave everything else, lol.

[-] Zink@programming.dev 5 points 1 day ago

When I read your post I saw the “head weasels” as a few tiny little cute C-suite assholes wearing little suits. They’ve been the top dogs (tiny ones) for so long that they’re completely out of touch with the ordinary fuzzball.

But yeah a different interpretation makes much more sense in context.

[-] Zink@programming.dev 45 points 1 day ago

Fortunately I at least have Firefox on Linux. But then when I need to use Windows for something… well look at that, also Firefox!

[-] Zink@programming.dev 14 points 1 day ago

A head pops out of the water

“Just use miiiiint!”

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by Zink@programming.dev to c/risa@startrek.website

I can’t get enough of these familiar spacefaring faces!

submitted 6 months ago by Zink@programming.dev to c/risa@startrek.website

Making my first Lemmy post because this moment in my DS9 rewatch made me think of you all.

I think I’ll call her Captain Gilora Lochley.

Also, DS9 is even better than I remember. It’s been a while!

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