They'll all be Chinese!
joined 1 year ago
Cost me family, friends and lower income but I don’t regret it
They only blocks ads and removes the restriction of 6 skip songs per hour limit as far as I know.
Yup, but since Google is not in China, we don't hear about Google complying, but every other Chinese app store is complying with this new law.
as their older generations start dying off we’ll see that wall broken down.
We wish, but we expect the younger generations would be the same if not more strict (think Kim).
Who carries a gun to a wedding?
... He's still alive?
I have a CR48 from 2010 that is running arch linux, is slow but completely workable.
The canal is actually larger than I thought.
We should push for hovercars
Can you link to a direct download line? The file to too huge for my computer to load.