[-] ThrowawaySobriquet@lemmy.world 24 points 5 hours ago

Whoa, hold the fuck up: I'm not sitting through a three and a half hour seminar for anything

[-] ThrowawaySobriquet@lemmy.world 2 points 8 hours ago

One of folk's favorite things to hit me with: but you're so young! Like, first off, I'm 40's, I just try to take care of myself. Second, yes my knees hurt and my back is sore because I've been doing all this stuff since I was a kid, but tell me again how hard it's been on your back to sit in a chair for hours. Third, these same people are the people that hire me to do jobs they couldn't handle because reasons (that usually match my own reasons for grunting and wincing all day, but self awareness is a diminishing resource).

I am growing into a bitter old fuck and I'm not a fan of my attitude these days. I'm trying to keep it down, but man I tell you, I am so sick to death of people and their petty nonsense. And I know I'm no saint or ubermensch, but I'm getting out there and doing shit. Running a business that helps farmers, digging my own garden, practicing my skills, networking and getting new gigs. It's hard work and with this world of convenience we've built for ourselves, I find fewer folks willing to get to it. Which is great for my own bottom line, but the commentary always seems to come from a place of ignorance with these guys and I'm within a hair's breadth of calling at least one client a dumb mother fucker.

Sorry, didn't mean to rant at you, but I feel you. I broke my leg right at the knee joint when I was 18 and I've never gotten full function back out of it. Took like three years to get rid of the limp. It hurts all the time but at least I got a nice big surgery scar to point at and shut folks down. I'm sorry you gotta go through this. It's not fair, especially considering how willing you are to pitter patter and how good you are at it.

Just, like, watch the pills. I come from one of those little mountain communities that got eaten alive by the Sackler's ambition. I seen plenty of good, hard working folks turn into junkies so some slick corporate prick can afford the second home he uses to fuck his mistress

I'm gonna go plant something

[-] ThrowawaySobriquet@lemmy.world 1 points 8 hours ago

Thanks for the advice. I've tried coffee grounds, essential oils, copper wire, it all does little to stop the slime trails. The snails, tho... I may have to look into that. I worry about backing myself into the Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly corner, but something's gotta give

Just remember: a whiskey makes you risky, but a glizzy makes you rizzy

Yeah, dude. Gotta kick your feet up. I did a french drain over two days last week. Starting eating ibuprofen just to keep my hands from swelling up. Your shit can knit itself back together, but not without a nap. You cleared a milestone. Don't let the fidget drive!

They do help break things down, but unlike most helpful bugs they prefer the produce. I have just never seen them like this. We usually have to take countermeasures against them every year, but this year is we're just swamped.

I'm gonna do some work out there this weekend. Think I'm gonna get aggressive with the DE because I think I'm also having some trouble with woodlice. Do some tactical earth salting around the beds

See, now there's a good silver lining. Glad my sacrifice wasn't in vain

Nice work, dude. You really been busting your ass out there and it looks great

submitted 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) by ThrowawaySobriquet@lemmy.world to c/gardening@lemmy.world

My pak choi army has fallen. I sent them out to harden and the slugs just rolled over them in a night.

An evocative image that truly captures a genuine facet universal to the gem of human experience, for in the gulf between every one of us lies some kind of weird ghost thing fuckin up the steez

[-] ThrowawaySobriquet@lemmy.world 62 points 2 days ago

Try not to catch any more felony charges on the way through the parking lot!

Open-Air Casserole (lemmy.world)

Metal of some kind, probably thrash or hardcore

[-] ThrowawaySobriquet@lemmy.world 12 points 3 days ago

The Orange is strong in this one. They will do mighty things. Dumb and amusing, but mighty

Ah, bummer. But like you said, this is why we experiment. Negative results are still results!


Spent the day pulling honeysuckle vines out of a homesteader client's back fence. I turned a perfectly good set of pruning shears into beaters pulling all that stuff out, but this guy was just extra in every way


Corn is finally peeking out, but something has been digging it up and chomping seedlings, too. I shotgunned it, so I can afford the losses. More stuff in a comment to follow

Photosynthesis (lemmy.world)
submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by ThrowawaySobriquet@lemmy.world to c/gardening@lemmy.world

Daikon goes boom. Pak choi is on the way up with it. Gotta solve my soil issues before I put these down. Speaking of soil issues, I probably gotta start over on my squash bed. Nothing looks too happy in there and instead of watching it die a slow death, I'm just gonna direct sow everything after I get some amendments in with it.

In the mean time, I'm just watching these guys revive some hope for a summer harvest


I got sick a week and a half ago, so things got a little messy. We're back on schedule, tho. Kale has been the hero this season. Couple broccoli doing what I ask. Slugs got all my first round peppers, so on my back foot there.

Herbs need to be moved out into the sun and a new round of starts there. Tomatoes in the ground, started a bunch of tubers (daikon, french breakfast radish, and beets). All of my pak choi is ded, which makes me worry for the ten million carrots I have coming up. Started like, 30 pak choi to make up for it (get em young, cut em in half and roast em with salt and pepper, finish with Lao Gan Ma. One of my favorite veggies).

Garlic and onions coming along, taters growing, put down some corn and spinach yesterday. Been having hard luck with the spinach. Had an unidentified rodent living in that bed picking off my seedlings as they sprouted. Took the cover off and let the ferals deal with it, so here we are again on a fourth round of direct sow and I STILL AIN'T GOT NO SPINACH.

Oh, I put some watermelon down, too. Makes an awesome cover along my walkway and the ferals love to hide in it. Also, watermelons, I guess.

Squash arch is archin, but I worry about my soil out there. Same mix I used for the hugel and the new beds and I'm having problems. Shouldn't have rushed to get them done, but hey, that's my problem now.

A Real Big Garden (lemmy.world)

Doing a crop walk for one of my clients this morning. Air was real still, goats were only a little bit desperate for grain. Good start to the day

The Game is Afoot (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by ThrowawaySobriquet@lemmy.world to c/lemmyshitpost@lemmy.world

A bit ago I posted this image and a sharp-eye named Even_Adder (not sure exactly how attributes work on Voyager yet) saw that something was written to it. I dug around a little, but couldn't come up with the answer, so I figured what the hell and sent them an email. The Institute has responded.

Light the beacons! Or whatever we're supposed to do. Wait? I think it's wait. I'll post an update when we get an update.

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