How'd you manage to negotiate that? Must've needed you pretty bad if they were willing to relent an entire day. Salaried or hourly?
Oculus is by far an infinitely superior brand name
X- prefixed http headers have been deprecated for more than a decade
It's going to hit 39 tomorrow? Gotdamn my wallet isn't going to like the upcoming electric bill
I sleep every-which-way. Some days stock still on my back like the dead, other days on my front sprawled out, and other days on my side. I've got pretty broad shoulders and the purple pillow (the flat one, not the poofy one) and medium-firm mattress combo does wonders for me. On my side I sink just enough into the mattress to lay my head flat, and on my back/front works just the same. Not sure how well it would work for you, and Purple is a bit pricey, but I highly recommend them. Just make sure you try them out at one of their locations, first. The grid is easy to get used to (I got used to it in a few days, and now I never notice it), so try to ignore the texture, just go by overall feel
I got used to the texture pretty quick, and it's well worth it. I even got a purple mattress, which is just as great
I'm definitely not paid by Purple, haha
That and also that it's natural they would jack up prices to be at or just below the cost of maintaining your own servers, otherwise everyone would just run their own servers
I have the purple pillow. It's great! Both sides are "the cold side" and, if needed, you could kill a man with it!
The presidential election is decided entirely by electoral votes, and once those are cast then that's that. You cannot just change it to ranked choice unless you change the constitution itself
However, states are free to decide how they want to allot their electoral votes. Considering it is a state-by-state contest by nature, only that interpretation is even feasible. Technically you could do it if every state decided on the same system of RCV, but I highly doubt you could get every state to effectively make it a popular vote decision, considering most states already don't like that idea.
No that's when it touches the toilet itself, not the water
It IS a state-by-state contest. The electoral votes each state decides to give are decided completely at a state level, and it should be at a state level. Each state has different priorities, different laws, different populations, and are all differently affected by the result of the presidential election, so just because they voted for C doesn't mean each individual state wouldn't have a preference for A over B given a different choice at a state level.
As an example, Kansas may put C as first choice and B as second choice due to their state-specific priorities. Florida may put C as first choice and A as a second choice for whatever their reason may be.
If B gets thrown out in the end, then each state needs to resolve their votes differently to reflect their differences in priorities. It's the most fair.
Yeah, on average they do around 60