
joined 1 year ago

Glad to have you. You should be warned though that this crew has already sucked in meme-lookers into watch the show and becoming fans.

As I was sucked in by the kid across the hall with a colour tv back in 1965, I can attest to the risk of wondering “What’s that pointy-eared guy doing with his hand on that monster?”

[–] 4 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

I couldn’t resist. Glad you appreciated it, and that new Neelix image is all the thanks I needed.

By the way, in the meantime, I have done some more research only to discover that there are in fact TWO Earth root vegetables that are already viable as hydroponic crops: red radishes and beets.

The idea that Leola root is a cross between radish and beet is now firmly fixed in my mind.

[–] 6 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (3 children)

Or, Leola root is the hydroponic equivalent of zucchini.

This video seems like something Neelix would make for his morning show.

What to do with too much zucchini!

[–] 11 points 3 weeks ago (5 children)

That’s what I thought. Leola root is a high carb root that will grow quickly on mats in a hydroponic bay.

Currently, real life intensive vertical hydroponic gardening is great for leafy greens, but not so much for starchy or other caloric carbs.

[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

It’s pretty odd that an NBCUniversal event is bringing two Paramount Global fandoms (D&D, Star Trek).

[–] -1 points 4 weeks ago (3 children)

I found the Wesley hate cringe when TNG was in first run.

And now I am a parent I find it mean and cringe.

It’s old and tiresome.

[–] 6 points 4 weeks ago (1 children)

What about the option of the original black and white recording of ‘The Cage’ with the colour portions from ‘The Menagerie’ spliced in, as released to videotape in thr 80s?

That was the real Star Trek. Roddenberry even took it to cons in the 70s and 80s to let fans know what he really wanted to put on the air.

The Backlash as Canada conservatives’ ‘our home’ video features other countries Party deletes video after viewers list gaffes, including scenes of US, Serbia and Slovenia – plus Russian jets

No joke, and the story has legs internationally regrettably.

This isn’t 10 or 15 years ago when global stock video clips were just taking off standard resource in ad company toolboxes.

[–] 9 points 1 month ago (7 children)

I’m not unhappy that Starfleet Academy has been holding back on callbacks of Discovery legacy characters.

As we saw with DS9, sometimes it’s better to let the new characters have some time to establish themselves and settle down before confronting them with former main cast legacies. Otherwise, what’s intended to help a new show get established can sometimes do the opposite.

Can anyone really cite a first season major legacy character appearance that boosted a new show and is considered a strong entry in hindsight?

The only one that comes to mind for me is Riker and Troi’s appearance in ‘Nepenthe’ in season one of Picard.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I bought season two of Prodigy in Canada from AppleTV, but am super frustrated.

Season one continues to be available in the CTV app for CTV Sci-fi subscribers, but I am really wondering about what the value of that subscription is.

There still are a few new shows (SurrealEstate, The Ark, SNW) that I watch, but they remove some new shows from the app super quickly. We have to record them in the PVR or by physical media as soon as it’s out.


This is a major revelation from the trial.

The writer is a principal from Duck Duck Go.

Thought folks here might be interested.


This one is well done, and seems worthy of capturing as documentation in the Daystrom Institute.

Those charming two forward-facing eyes were instant indicators that Moopsy is a predator…but how dangerous?

It’s a tubby jumping spider without all those extra eyes and legs.


This NPR coverage is interesting.

"A lot of people don't understand how different our demands are from the WGA's demands," Bond said.

Bond said unlike the WGA, the actors union represents many types of performers — actors, dancers, stunt people — each with specific needs that need to be addressed.

Artificial intelligence, for example, is an especially existential threat for background actors, some of whom say they've already had their bodies scanned for reuse.

So Bond said negotiations with the studios' trade association, the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) could take a while.

"The AMPTP is just going to use every union busting trick that they have," Bond said.


Many fediverse fans are exasperated that Paramount has (once again) missed the opportunity to take our money with official tie-in merchandise and left us to our own creations, or non-licensed creators.

While it says a lot that fans on a nonmonetizing platform are literally demanding that Paramount get its profit-taking act together, all this Moopsy fan-entitlement is currently being redirected into crafting energy.

So MakeYourOwnMoopsyMonth it is.

First out of the gate is a charming ceramic Moopsy demonstrating appropriate predatory behaviour on a blue crochet duck. Enjoy.


Simon & Schuster had a larger than usual array of ebook deals for September 2023.

October 1st is the last day for this group, a new set (likely fewer books) will come on line Sunday the 2nd.

If you haven’t given Treklit a try, these ebook deals are a great low cost way to get into it.


A solid round up of some of the broader industry issues as the WGA contract moves towards potential endorsement by WGA East and West leadership Tuesday in preparation for a vote by the members.


Amid some speculation about the questionable neutrality of major Hollywood media sources, owned by AMPTP members, CNN reports from “a source familiar” that WGA has been sent a ‘best & final’ offer.

So, stay tuned for the WGA leadership’s assessment.


Missed this report from earlier in the week…Paramount+ will be joining major streamer J:COM with a launch date for Japan of December 1, 2023.

For the many fans who’ve been waiting for a legal way to get new Trek in Japan, this is hopefully great news.


Many WGA veterans urged caution at getting hopes too high for what may come out of the AMPTP negotiating room later today, after a third day of talks between labor and management that involved four CEOs.

Notably, Paramount Global’s Bob Baklish is not among the CEO’s sitting in.


This interview with Professor of Genetics/Evolution (& Star Trek biological science advisor) Mohammed Noor on the biology, especially the r-selection reproduction, of the Gorn in SNW is marvellous.

Just the kind of uncomfortable but great biological thinking I was hoping we’d get into here at Daystrom Institute.

e.g. Can we think of the Gorn in viral terms?

Treating Gorn like this, each infected person could infect four more people, so the R0 for Gorn would be 4. Not wildly big, but large enough to do the job. Of course, the hatchlings would also be going after one another, so the analogy’s not perfect.

But if you want to think of the Gorn as intelligent, viral space dinosaurs, that does get the idea across.


It seems that with long hiatuses in new onscreen Trek ahead, genre coverage is starting to profile Trek novels again.

This set of ten weird but readable books isn’t necessarily the trippiest, but it does put the first of the Shatnerverse books at the top.

(Perhaps there’s yet hope for Shatner’s wild imaginings to make it into S&S monthly Star Trek ebook deals promotional rotation.)


Bleeding Cool previews behind the scenes commentary from Hageman Brothers from prerelease of DVD-BlueRay bonus content.

CBS Entertainment is keeping the profile up on Prodigy merchandising. A bright spot amidst Paramount’s erasure of Prodigy in Star Trek Day content.

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