Trump will massacre the US, Ukraine, Palastine and sell you to the highest bidder.
Like to other SRO's in the financial system. That worked out fine.
It is the phone everyone deserves but should not be the one you want. It only creates more waste without being reparable.
I am trying to quit all screens aside from workrelated things.
Picked up going outside and doing woodworking on my driveway. I have had such nice conversations with the people in the neighbourhood. Let's connect is a great thing.
Eternal loneliness is a choice. Most people nowadays tend to dwell away behind their phonescreens / PC / TV. Get out and meet some people. There are meetups for things you find interesting. There are walking groups, travellers etc.
If you are alone, you are in the wrong context. A change of place, scenery, people or maybe your own personality is needed.
That's the point of protest. The rules are made to keep the status quo, not be good. And some rules suck balls.
Reading man pages is a skill of it''s own and the quality of man pages vary. However the ways of figuring out how to do something. 'Command -h' or 'command --help' 'man command' Search online for 'command examples'.
Ah, miscommunication in that case.
The names may have changed but boy does the current situation in the USA catch the spirit of it. Scapegoat one particular class and villainize them.
The singling out of a group and taking away rights seems familiar. Something, Something, Something third Reich.
Good on ya, I can't and it really sucks.
AI didn't do that. It stole all the information for free on the internet from people who tried to help others and make money of it.