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[–] 6 points 9 months ago (3 children)

Do you understand how they work or not? First I take all human text online. Next, I rank how likely those words come after another. Last write a loop getting the next possible word until the end line character is thought to be most probable. There you go that's essentially the loop of an LLM. There are design elements that make creating the training data quicker, or the model quicker at picking the next word but at the core this is all they do.

It makes sense to me to accept that if it looks like a duck, and it quacks like a duck, then it is a duck, for a lot (but not all) of important purposes.

I.e. the only duck it walks and quacks like is autocomplete, it does not have agency or any other "emergent" features. For something to even have an emergent property, the system needs to have feedback from itself, which an LLM does not.

[–] 11 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Go ride supply side Jesus a little harder, and evaporate your critical thinking skills in favor of authoritarian fairtales. Talk about being an idiot, as if those same religious institutions did not lobby for the privilege to not disclose, but sure this isn't because of religions being able to lobby for laws and buy politicians, sure bud.

[–] 3 points 9 months ago (6 children)

It's worth pointing our again to you that it's a granted exemption from reporting, it does not bar that clergy from reporting it mearly gives them a legal excuse not to report. But go on about how it's not protecting the clergy or church from disclosure.

[–] 6 points 9 months ago (1 children)

How about you re-read the law, it gives him an exemption from reporting it does not bar him from reporting, its mearly a lobbied excuse from religious institutions. That POS decided not to report instead using his exemption and blaming it on the abuser for his lack of action. Relgions constantly demonstrate they enable abuse in multiple forms, stop apologizing about institutions eroding basic human rights by decrie of myths and fairytales.

[–] 2 points 9 months ago (1 children)

this enables the company to raise more capital by borrowing against its equity

You can always get asset backed loans, even as a company, why should we be welfare for businesses?

Also you would need an uncaptured market for anything you said to even have an effect, when 90% of trades are completed off market not effecting the price on the tape are we really doing anything but getting fleeced by market makers? You aren't signaling anything when your trade data is being bought and hidden from the market using PFOF techniques.

In light of the objective failures of our market it's extremely fair to say shareholders have no contribution to the delivery of goods and services. Could they in a perfect market sure, but I could have everything in utopia, to bad that doesn't exist.

[–] 4 points 9 months ago (4 children)

Apolo program with 60s tech: we will send one rocket per mission to the moon, and it will work.

Brain dead idiots parroting off spaceX as some savior: it will only take at least 15 rocket launches per mission to the moon. We will use the worst trajectory possible because we sold the contract for the lander to a company who can't figure out low moon orbit. 2 years out and our rocket still blows up when attempting launches.

But sure spaceX is a marvel of private industry, shudders

[–] 3 points 9 months ago (2 children)

Yeah that's why we were supposed to have made it back to Mars this year with SpaceX right? Thats why it took them over 3 minutes to even realize their ship blew up most recently, but that telemetry that took 3minutes to realize a catastrophic failure occurred is really gonna make this great, right? That's why Apolo sent one rocket per mission to the moon and with that amazing SpaceX tech....we need to send at least 15 per mission? The public sector did take risks and by doing so in the past we got the Apolo program. Today we have constant failures by spaceX being touted as successful missions with about 10billion in public funding being evaporated. Now, it's more important that private business sells you on some bs hype train to rake in funds till they drop the next hype train without realizing their earlier goal and distracting you about it with leaks about hype train 3.

Where are the fully reusable falcon 9s? That second stage is still not reusable, the crew capsule will never be landing without parachutes now, and they still take about the same amount of time to turn around that the space shuttle did. SpaceX is objectively a failure, selling the next big thing as a means to hide what did not come to fruition. If you honestly think the new rocket is gonna be flying in under a decade or before spaceX goes bankrupt. You're an idiot.

Wasn't it a tunnel and a bridge? Thought they got 2 of the 3 with the last route having different gauge rails which still fucks with the logistics.

[–] 2 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Math is a language describing the fundamentals of our world and nature. God is a completely fabricated fairytale. You don't need a proof of English to see it exists, you do need evidence to proof that the big bad wolf is real. That's the difference, fuck you people need actual education.....

I do wonder what atheists experience when they trip...

I see patterns and have hallucinations when tripping. I've seen doritos logos cover my wall and noticed the patterns in mountains. No you are not talking to God, you are having essentially a waking dream and I don't attribute dreams, which are your subconscious trying to interpret your daily actions, to supernatural beings. That would be stupid.

[–] -3 points 9 months ago

A shared university toilet can still be part of a house or low pressure system. I've yet to see public restrooms which had a lid for the toilet itself, outside of low pressure toilets in communal housing. If you can link to where they clarified the shared university toilet was high pressure, I will stand corrected.

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