Excellent that’s exactly what I did. Thank you!
Just want to say thank you for your Satisfactory videos so far. They have been full of incredibly high-yield information and I wish I had found them several hundred hours of game time ago.
Also in one video you showed your “old save” which still had the modular design and all of the spaghetti on the ceiling and you were driving a truck around to show off the open floor. That factory was just amazing. So absolutely beautiful.
This is hilarious.
I remember very vividly when they redid the special effects in the original Star Wars trilogy and added this dumbass ring coming out of the Death Star explosion. It completely broke immersion for me because I was like “wtf is that supposed to be?”
Me, from the USA:
But that’s always what fascists do, isn’t it? They appropriate symbols from wherever they can find them to twist their meaning. Swastikas, Gadsden flag, Celtic crosses, Nordic runes, punisher logo, thin blue line, they all started as something else that were adopted by fascists and their meaning twisted.
Heavily redacted is right. There’s a handful of sentence fragments that are not redacted.
I don’t know the exact date but it was a spring day a little over 20 years ago now. I was in my early 20s and spent a lot of my free time hiking, camping, etc. At that time I was really heavily into caving, especially vertical caving where we would use ropes, harnesses, etc to explore chasms.
This particular day I was on a several day camping trip to a really popular area in a national park. In the night a big rainstorm came and everything flooded. I had been there several days with my friend and we didn’t get the memo about the storm coming and were curious why nobody else was camping there when it was usually packed that time of year.
The next morning we awoke and this campground (on the banks of a river) was halfway underwater. We soon learned that our road out was also underwater so we were trapped at the campground. We had plenty of supplies as we had been there several days with intentions to explore caves, etc.
Now from this campground there was a really popular hike through a canyon with stone arches, cool caves, waterfalls, etc that was normally packed. Since we had the place to ourselves we decided to do the hike. I should mention that this was quite dangerous as the first mile or so of the trail was now under 2+ feet of moving flood waters. We had wetsuits (for caving) and ropes so we geared up and braved the flood waters.
Dear reader it felt like such an epic adventure. I knew the landscape well from being there many times but this time was magical. There were massive waterfalls everywhere rushing through the green spring foliage. We had to use our technical rope skills to safely cross rushing white water streams but everything was so beautiful and dangerous.
I haven’t done it justice of course but it was just this perfect day where everything came together. I was young and healthy, I had my best partner with me, we had all of the right gear, the road being underwater meant we had the whole area to ourselves, and everything had been magically transformed into a waterfall adventure park for us to play.
I’m still chasing that feeling of pure joy I had that day.
I like this and you might be right because there is no indication in the last panel that the creature is attacking them.
I think the joke is that he is solving climate change by releasing a monster to kill humanity.