Maps, skins, mods, texture packs and cosmetics
The first 4 of them can be obtained from third party sites for free
Maps, skins, mods, texture packs and cosmetics
The first 4 of them can be obtained from third party sites for free
Is english known for trying to avoid confusion?
Is the working class failing?
If the entirety of it stopped working, im pretty sure it would be considered "too big to fail"
It says to not comment on it
Comment on all other posts made by the poster
I dont think 400000 times light can travel in a year of difference is "slightly further away"
I cant believe lemmy is using tracker links
The internet is much bigger than the few websites that track links
So this is where the infinite genders are
Every time i was somewhere where i could see a big fall, i would get scared, thinking i would intentionally go there and fall to my death without noticing
Isnt "for no reason" referring to why the person feared that, not that the accident had no reason?
You will eventually forget them
"Eventually" might refer to after your death
I really enjoyed playing the platforms cats are liquid: a better place(there is also a light in the shadow, but that game is worse); catbird, nameless cat, kitty death room and the 4 dadish games
If you want a game that has microtransactions, but rarely try to sell you things, i would recommended the tower defense game(i think) the battle cats. There is also a 10 year celebration that gives you a lot of rewards